Chapter Eight : Crimson Lions!

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Uh- well- my book isn't that popular and I understand that but I thought at least the four people that have been commenting would vote ;-;

Maybe I should have put the voting somewhere else. . .

Anyways, one person voted and that isssss. . .

@Sunset18Rose !! Thank you! I think someone else voted but they didn't put it where I could see it, sorry if you did.

But either way, Fugoleon won!

So, Enjoy!


I stared at the ceiling, not wanting to get up as the memory replayed in my head over and over again. The voice that spoke to me at the end you don't have to worry about right now, I'm giving him the silent treatment. I've been giving him the silent treatment for a few years now actually.

When I woke up Rill was gone, most likely to do captain things. He left another outfit at the end of the bed but I felt too weak to do anything.

A knock at the door brought me back to reality.

"Uh-" I looked down at the clothes I was wearing and pulled the blanket up to my shoulders, "Come in?"

The door creaked open and Walter poked his head in, "good morning Master YN." he said.

When did he start calling me master? I was probably more broke than him, or anyone for that matter. "Good morning Walter, what brings you here? Rill left a while ago which I'm sure you know."

He comes in fully, carefully holding a letter in his hand. "Yes he has been in his office for the whole morning, he received this letter that was addressed to you."

This definitely caught my attention, I was getting my first ever letter! "Eyy! Gimme Gimme!" I leaned forward with my hands outstretched.

Walter chuckled and walked over to me, he handed the letter to me with both hands which was very proper my goodness- once the letter was in my possession I ripped it open, I took the letter out and started reading out loud for Walter's enjoyment as well.

"Dear YN,

I don't know how to write letters, it has never been my forte so I'm trying to copy the format from a letter I received a while ago.
Sorry that's not the point.
The point is that you said you would like to train (crosses out with) me. Just me. Sorry, I'm sure you are very powerful and don't need any more training, I'm sorry for assuming.
I have a free day today, if you're not busy I would like your help to train. Don't think you have to come, I'm just suggesting, I'm sure you're busy.

Love Ry (crosses out)

Wait, I'm sorry, the letter was from my mother, love is too formal correct? Well we've only known each other from one encounter, so I'm sure it is.

From Ryker

P.S. if you could come over to me, that is if you accept. We have a good training ground that will help with my magic. Unless you think otherwise, you're the teacher." I stared at the letter after I finished reading it. Walter was the first to start chuckling which made me do it. "What a bundle of nerves" my shoulders shook from the laughter.

"Would you like me to tell Master Rill that you will be departing?" Walter asked.

I nodded, "Might as well, looks like I will be at the Crimson Lions base all day."

"I shall deliver the message, have a wonderful day" He bowed and started out the door.

"Aw! Thanks Walter, you too!" He gave me a smile as he closed the door.

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