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Hello hello! I hope you all are having a great day so far!

Sorry if I got your hopes up for a chapter but I need to ask you all a question.

So recently I have been scrolling through steam looking at games, y'know, dodging all responsibilities. The usual. And a huge sale happened! And it's still going on rn!

I bought Black Clover: Quartet knights and all the DLCs, it has a complete new story and I was wondering if you guys would like that incorporated into the story?

The story starts off with a dungeon mission with Asta, Noelle, Yami and Finral. As they battle, Yami goes into this one room and disappears as the other three fought (cough* two. Finral didn't fight. Smh.) the enemies. Once done they walk into the room and BOOM.

Yami is 14 years old again. With memory loss. :/

So would you guys like a whole thing of doing the games story? It won't be for a bit and I have to go through the whole game but young Yami is adorable and I wanted your guys opinion. It's like $12 rn I think if you guys also want to buy the game, your computer has to be good tho id assume.


I haven't been working on the story as of late becauseeeee. . .

*drum roll*


My first fur baby! I love him so much!

My first fur baby! I love him so much!

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His name is Lawrence and he is three years old! I adopted him from a pet rescue and I would like to spread some awareness here if you wouldn't mind.

A long time ago Lawrence was minding his own business when he got jumped by some cats. He got badly hurt and was given a deep bite and got FIV.

FIV stands for Feline Immunodeficiency Virus. It is a lifelong virus with no cure, the only way to spread it is through deep bites (and scratches I think). The virus attacks the cats white blood cells which makes them more prone to sickness. So just give them a great diet and a stress free home and they should be good.

But people aren't adopting them because of the red flag. They are just like other cats, you just have to keep a closer eye on them and I think that's unfair, they need love as well. :(

It would be better for them to be an only cat so they don't spread the disease to your other cats but if you have a gentle soul of a cat like my Lawrence then there is absolutely no issue. Even play fighting isn't bad just watch for the real fighting.

Lawrence right now is getting use to my other cat (family cat, as Lawrence is solely mine), Mordicai. Morty is very territorial but he eventually gets use to cats as he's done in the past so it was a rough first day, it's slowly getting better so no need to worry.

Lawrence stays in my room at night so there is no issues.

More things about Lawrence!

He has a rib that is poking out, no need for medical attention it's just mildly uncomfortable, we try not to touch it to much.

Whenever he's in my room for the night he likes to just sit right on top of my rib cage, so I can't read my book or do anything until he gets off haha.

It seems like he wants to go outside all the time but it's a huge no no because of the FIV, we don't want to get him sick.

We got him daily treats and power to help his immune system!

I love Lawrence and when I saw him in the pet store it was immediate that I had to adopt him. He looks like my late cat that passed away years ago and I still can't get over his death, this may not be the best course of action to get over but it's also helping Lawrence.

Anyways that's all I wanted to say. If you are looking to rescue a cat with FIV I would do some more research to know what you need for them.

Thank you for listening to my ted talk.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2022 ⏰

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