Chapter Seven : Attempt One Through Five

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Unedited or proofread.



'Ugggghhhhhh' I groaned, underneath me started to feel bumpy and uncomfortable. I sat up and promptly fell to the ground as my body slid across the mountain pillow mattress and onto the hard floor.

"Ow." I rubbed my eyes and looked around the room, other than the pillows that I was lying on, everything was cleaned and Rills art supplies were back. I stood up and noticed that he left a new outfit for me on his bed.

I grabbed it and looked at it, it was kinda short but enough, it was still a blue dress but a tad darker, on the top part was a hard coat with jewels littering it.

Beside the dress was a note, and a bag of items for hygiene. The note said that I could use the bathroom for a shower.

I walked through the mysterious door and I was right to assume it was a bathroom. It wasn't as big as I thought a rich man would have, it had a nice looking footed bath, and a shower next to it. The sink and toilet were just put to the side.

I started the shower and while waiting for it to heat up I brushed my teeth.

After the shower I changed into my new clothes. I had long socks but that was to account for the long boots that came above my knee. I noticed that the skirt of the dress both hugged my figure and was poofy with the multiple layers it had. I styled my hair how I wanted it and walked out of Rills room.

I was immediately greeted with furniture.

Coffee tables, couches, wooden and cushioned chairs, benches, etc. All the furniture to decorate a mansion sat stacked outside Rills room.

I carefully shimmed out the door and closed it behind me.

"Uh- hello?!" I yelled to the hallway, I noticed the door beside Rills room was open, and out came Rills head.

"Ah! You're awake!" He tried getting to me but it didn't work. "I seemed to have trapped us in here Walter."

Walters' head popped out, "hm, indeed you have."

I laughed and started helping them out, Martha stepped in and moved everything to a different room.

"If only we waited for you to wake up-" Rill slumped as he looked at the now clean hallway, all his hard work was thrown into the gutter.

"What are you even doing?" I tried to look into the room but Rills hand stopped my head by planting it on my face. "Sir-"

"You can't look at it yet!" He pouted.

I looked at him through his fingers, "and why can't I?"

"You just can't! Go- go bug Nozel or something-"

"Wow, brushed off. My heart aches." I faked a sniffle.

"Oh boo-hoo. Go cry to Nozel."

I chuckled but waved goodbye to the two men and went through Martha's portal.

#Attempt Number One.

I got to the Silver Eagles, Martha brought me right around the corner to where Nozel stood.
I watched as he gave orders to a group of magic knights, he looked impassive as they took his words and left on to the mission, which was apparently my way.

I pressed myself to the wall as they passed me, I definitely looked suspicious standing there in a weird position but they only glanced at me before continuing walking away.

I watched as they went, getting off the wall, 'I could have been an intruder and they just let me go? Shaking my head.'

My senses picked up that two powerful people stood behind me. I almost gasped but I slowly turned around, trying to not let them see my fear. These people must be why the others didn't even try to do anything with me. Or they just did not care.

I am in Your Debt. (Black Clover Captains x female reader)Where stories live. Discover now