Chapter Eleven : Temporary Magic Knight Reporting For Duty!

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Hello hello.

This chapter is a short one- but a chapter nonetheless!


I woke up with back pain. Letting out a groan I sat up from the hard ground I lied on.

I looked around to see I was in the main foyer, nobody was around as it was still late. I pondered how in the world I got here but I remembered that last night I couldn't fall asleep because of my cuddle buddy problem, so I came out to the lobby and watched Rills painting. I guess I fell asleep partway through.

I stood up and stretched my limbs, the stress leaving with every pop of my bones. "Ughhhh, alright-" I yawned, "what's on today's agenda?"

I walked out the doors into the night sky, the statues let out small streams of water, filling the silence. I shivered a bit but decided it would be a good idea to do my run, I haven't done it in a few days so i'm lacking a bit.

I quickly changed and started to jog around the area, "I won't stop until the sun shines!" I set a goal and continued.

I did two and a half laps around the perimeter of the lot, my body shone with a thin layer of sweat. I slowed down and placed my hand on the wall beside me for a short break. I took deep slow breaths to calm my heart a bit.

A squirrel ran out of the wall, I stopped breathing altogether. We stared at each other, the squirrel grabbed the acorn that was in his mouth and adjusted it, then sprinted across the field to a tree near the building. I let out a puff of air as I watched it run, but focused my attention on the wall where it came from. I took a few steps towards it, running my hand on the wall. I pressed my palms on the wall but it didn't budge or go through it, I bent down, my fingertips going numb from the bricks. "There." I said as my hands randomly dipped into the wall, this must be like the black market entrance. I lied on my stomach and shimmied into the wall as it was small.

I came out the other end, it was just a normal forest. I huffed in disappointment but got to my feet, I started to jog through the trees, the shade helped cool my body down.

I slowed down and enjoyed nature, when I looked to my left there stood a deer, it watched me before prancing away. "Yoo!" I smiled and ran after the deer. A little away I noticed that the deer led me to a small altar, it was on the side of a cliff. There was a stand in the middle surrounded by a pond with a rushing waterfall behind it. The deer leaned down and took some water, watching me from the corner of its eyes. I crouched down, reached a hand into the water and it glowed blue, the water was freezing cold so I quickly took my hand out and wiped it on my shirt.

A snort was heard right beside my face and light wind felt on my cheeks, the deer stood right beside me, not sure when it came over.

"Woah!" I almost lost my balance, "hey bud- how's it going?"

The deer looked back at the water, then nudged my hand, trying to bring it closer to the lake. I leaned back and placed my hand in the water, it once again glowed a bright light blue. The deer took a few steps forward and went down to my hand, he then started lapping up the blue parts of the water, eventually settling to licking my hand.

"Uh- it's kind of sweaty- ah, you're a deer. You wouldn't care." I deadpanned. I softly ran my other hand down its neck and it didn't seem to mind.

I looked up at the sky to see the violet, pinks and oranges showing up, indicating that it's morning. "Hey bud, I gotta go," I took my hand back and the deer let out an annoyed huff out of its nostrils. I stood up and looked at the pedestal that lay in the middle, upon it was a swirling dark blue orb, magic radiated off of it in waves.

I am in Your Debt. (Black Clover Captains x female reader)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat