Chapter Two : I Just Can't get a Break

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I stood in line for the entrance exam. Mana sensing has always been a strong suit of mine, so judging the examiners by what I can feel right now... yeah, this is going to be a disappointing year.

Five people stood in front of me before the area where you would hand in your grimoire and get your number. How I longed to try out for this year but I decided it could wait, there was something more important at hand. As the person behind me was distracted by their friends, I jumped out of line and followed a woman who had just signed up. She followed the next person so I looked like a normal contestant as I walked into the huge round dome arena. People gathered with their friends as birds swarmed the areas, pecking anyone that had low magic.

"Well fuck-"As I said that four birds came down and started pecking the living shit out of me, one joining as it got bored from pecking a different man. I ran to the side lines, under the shaded ring around the whole arena, waving at the birds until they left me alone and went to other people as I passed them.

I heaved a sigh of relief before looking to the balcony. Chairs stood there, one for every captain but none of them were being used yet.

I glanced around, finding a door to my left and walked up to it, it led to a long hallway with what I assumed were bathroom doors that lined the walls. I walked along a few before opening one up to check if they were bathrooms. Which was one of the biggest mistakes I have ever made.

On the toilet sat a huge buff man, the black bulls sign embroidered into the torn up cloth that hung loosely around his broad shoulders. We stared at each other before he took a large puff of his smoke, "you wanna die kid? close the door before I close it on your skull."

The colour drained from my face as I slammed the door shut, I screamed out apologies as I fled fast from the scene. I'm not sure how I didn't notice his huge mana presence before but- u g h !

As I ran I bumped into this one guy, his arms snakes around my waist to stop me but because I was going so fast we leaned into a dip pose. "Now what's a gorgeous woman like you running like that? Are you hurt?"

"Man- big man- smoke- toilet- black bulls-" the black bulls part caught the guys attention, he pulled me up to stand, there I saw his black bulls coat.

"You must have walked in on Captain Yami. That man doesn't know how to hold it in." A tick mark appeared as he whispered the last past.

"He's your Captain? That was- that was Mister Yami?"

"Mister Yami? That's so cute how you say mister~!" He gushed, "was the black bull's robe torn? And his hair comes up in a tuff like this?" He tried mimicking Mister Yami's hair tuff by doing what looked like a bull pose which was ironic. His two index fingers pointing upwards in the front of his hair.

I nodded, thinking back to the man using the washroom, my face felt hot from embarrassment. "Yes, that's him." I can't believe that I embarrassed myself in front of a Captain!

"Could you tell me where exactly he was? The exam is about to start and he needs to be at the top." He sighed and put one hand on his head and the other on his hip, "he just can't be bothered to take his responsibilities seriously." He looks surprised for a moment before putting his hand in front of him is a defensive way, "not saying that he's a bad Captain! He's really good and strong!"

"I would have never doubted him, there was a reason he was chosen to be a captain." I gave him a smile of reassurance, well, as much as I could as I didn't know the man. "He's in one of the bathrooms near the entrance to the arena, I'm sure he'd hear you if you called."

I am in Your Debt. (Black Clover Captains x female reader)Where stories live. Discover now