Chapter Three : Let The Magic Knight Exams Start!

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Chapter has been edited heavily so I would re-read this one especially. I added the fight scene I wanted!

Hope you like it, Enjoy!


I watched as William Vangeance, Captain of the Golden Dawn, the best of the best, took the stage. He adorned a golden mask with red and yellow fluffy balls on the sides, with two feathers sticking out of it from the top, hiding the top half of his face, except his eyes. His outfit consisted of the normal Golden Dawn robe but with a red cape hanging down from it. The rest of his attire was normal clothes that you would see from nobles.

He spoke out to the examinees, his voice full of authority, but kindness at the same time, makes you want to follow him to the death. His voice carried itself into my one ear and out the other, not really paying attention to what he was saying but just listening to how soothing it sounded. He then sprouted a tree from the sky which gave all the examiners brooms for them to fly around in.

'Oh. I would have failed instantly. . .' I thought, I was never the best at flying on a broom, even though I was lucky to have someone try to teach me. One of the examinees flew around effortlessly. STANDING UP. 'Okay now he's just being a show off.. I mean you kinda have to be right now-'

I looked at the ground to see if anyone was struggling, only to see a boy, not being able to lift a foot off the ground. I pitied the boy, he seemed so determined but I couldn't pick up an ounce of magic from him. Other than those two no one else really caught my eye.

Rill glanced at me and motioned me forward. I bent down so he could whisper in my ear, "What do you think? I want to get my hands on as many talented people as possible so stay on the lookout!"

I nodded slightly and went back to watching. As the tasks flew by I realized how weak I was compared to everyone else, if I decided to take the test then I wouldn't have ever stood a chance. And most of these people were weak! I would count the boy with no mana but I could tell that he was built like a truck.

My legs started to cramp up from standing so long, I looked to my side, hoping to get a glance at Nozel. NOT because I have a crush on him. Just cause that's the whole reason I'm here, too- yknow. Protect him. But when I looked over I caught eyes with the scary man from before. He was looking at me through his peripheral vision.

Once he knew I was looking at him he turned towards me, "Hello. My name is Gordon Agrippa, who might you be? I haven't seen you here before." It was kinda quiet, compared to how I hear everything else, he must be a very shy man.

I gave him a kind smile before whispering back. "I'm (Y/N) (L/N), I was here looking for Mister Nozel Silva so I could talk to him. If you're asking why I'm behind Rill that's because he found me trying to sneak in and took me here" I swear dropped and Gordon just smiled back and nodded.

"Would you like to be friends? I think friendship is the most important thing you could ever gain"

"I would love to be your friend Gordon!"

He looked as if he was in utter happiness, which in turn painted a warm smile on my face. We turned back to the exam. Me being a step closer to my new friend.

I've seen a lot of potential in a few examinees that I didn't see in the line up, some didn't get to show what they were made of but I could tell by their mana.

The last of the tests were about to go underway, everyone had to choose a partner to fight so there was a five minute break so you could get to know people. Mister Yami stretched his arms over his head, I'm sure he would have done his legs as well if he weren't confined to the stone looking chairs in the small space everyone was given.

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