Telling People Chapter 65

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and if I and Wanda sneak off and get married then your track me down and try to kick my ass -Rory

Wrong. I will kick your ass! -Natasha

In your dreams maybe -Rory

In reality, am better at fighting than you are -Natasha

In your dreams maybe -Rory

That's it where are you right now. We're going to settle this -Natasha growls a little

Later. I have to call the others -Rory

Fine but we will be settling this -Natasha


An Hour Later

An Hour after Natasha's call Rory decides to call Yelena

Rory is on a walk with Beda who was having the time of her life looking around sniffling just about everything

Rory pulls out her phone and hits Yelena's number

After a few rings Yelena answers

Hey Nikki -Yelena

Hey Yel -Rory

You ok -Yelena

Yep but I have some news -Rory

Do you know -Yelena

What are you doing right now -Rory

Tracking a widow -Yelena

I can wait to tell you if -Rory begins but Yelena cuts her off

No, no I want to know. Please -Yelena pleads

You know the other day that it was mine and Wanda's anniversary -Rory

Yes -Yelena

Well I proposed -Rory

You're getting married -Yelena asks excitedly

Yes. I and Wanda are telling people today but I wanted you to be one of the first to know -Rory

Really -Yelena

You're my sister. Of course. You're the second person I called -Rory

Nat being the first -Yelena

She was the scarier of the two of you -Rory

Yelena laughs at this


Three Hours Later

Three hours after Yelena's call Rory and Wanda decides to make Sam and Steve's call there together so they decided to call one of them and get the both on the phone

Right now Rory and Wanda are sat in the living room together as the phone rings which is on speaker

Rory and Wanda are cuddling

Beda is curled up by them on the floor chewing on a tennis ball

The phone is ringing

When it answers

Well isn't my favorite couple! -Sam

Sam give me the phone -Steve

Struggling is heard on the other side

Rory. Wanda is everything ok -Steve

Everything is great Steve -Rory

We have some news. Can Sam hear us -Wanda

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