Epilogue: Judy's Got A Secret

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(Consider this to be "thematic credit song" for this story)

Judy was wide awake in the middle of the night-time hours of Zootopia. Excitement pulsed through her veins as she packed her clothes and all of her essentials into a few bags, emptying her apartment. The reason for such a rush could not have come without a catalyst, and for this situation, that catalyst was an agreement that Judy and Nick had made together.

If the case of Sinon Vulpes had proven anything to Judy, she could summarize it in two sentences. First, it had taught her that Zootopia could be the great place every mammal wanted it to be, being the city where prey and predator live together in harmony, if every mammal within was given the fair treatment and the opportunity they deserved. Second, it had shown her just how close she and Nick were getting in their relationship. It was a closeness she was readily cherishing, and deep in her heart she was overjoyed when he had given her a proposal: that they should live together in the same home. Considering his home would be more suitable for the two of them than her miniature apartment, Judy only had to gather her things and move on in with her beloved partner, and she wasn't going to let this opportunity slip from her fingers.

          As she gathered her things, there were a couple items which caught her attention thus

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As she gathered her things, there were a couple items which caught her attention thus. The first was the small can of fox repellent that she had received from her parents the day that she officially made her arrival at Zootopia. Judy remembered how she would always bring it around with her as an officer, especially before she and Nick became partners. However, looking at the little can now, Judy recognized something, This can represents what I used to be. But just as Nick isn't the pawpsicle hustler he once was, I am not the same hypocrite I once was either. As such, there was only suitable place for her to put that little can, and that was in the trash. Without batting an eye, Judy tossed away the little can of discrimination, knowing that it no longer represented who she was.

The second item was the little poster that she had made in her spare time in her apartment, the poster which unbeknownst to her, Nicholas had seen the day he had brought her back to her apartment after a cruel encounter at a bar. On it, she had drawn a picture of herself and of her dear partner, the two of them holding hands. There were two bubbles of dialogue on this poster, one for Nick and one for her. From Nick, these words were present: You know you love me. From her, these words were present: Do I know that? Yes, yes I do. On the bottom of the poster, these words were written in the largest font, representing a question that had been in Judy's mind for a long time now: Could we be together? Deep in her heart, Judy whispered this answer to herself, Could Nick and I be together? Yes, yes we can. Rolling up the poster and placing it in her bag, Judy packed up her belongings and headed out of her apartment, giving the keys to the armadillo attendee as she headed out the door.

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