Chapter XVII: Going For The Head

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If one wishes to kill a snake, you cut off the head. If a sniper wishes to have a guaranteed kill and he trusts his accuracy enough, he goes for the headshot. If one wishes to make a clean kill with a gun, one goes for the "double tap": a bullet to the head. In truth, the head has often been seen as the panacea for total victory over a foe, and it was the head of Zootopia that the enemies of the city were now going for, implementing their plans thus.

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The time was now 6:00PM, and the sun was already sinking in the sky, alerting the city that night-time was soon to fall. At a large theatre which normally hosted a stage which was filled with actors acting out plays or singing and dancing in musicals, Mayor Lionheart had invited many mammals, alongside his security guard with Chief Bogo and Jack Savage, to come and see the revealing of a new group that the mayor wished to add to Zootopia. He had assured all of Zootopia that this group was filled with many dedicated animals, all of whom were very committed to protecting and serving the public. Bogo and Jack were already curious by the fact that a new group was being added, and thus they too were present at the theatre. This night was going to be quite the active night indeed for all of the animals present there, no pun or irony intended.

When Mayor Lionheart saw that the crowd had taken their seats, also identifying that Jack and Bogo were present at the edge of the crowd, standing up and watching intently, Mayor Lionheart was ready to begin. Seeing that the one figure he wished to emphasize was set up in the balcony, Mayor Lionheart walked up to the podium with an empty wine-glass in hand and began the presentation. "Welcome, fellow ladies and gentlemammals of Zootopia. Who you are about to see are several dedicated mammals who have proven themselves to be more than capable of protecting and preserving the public. Yes, I have heard that our police departments have made good progress in stemming the crime wave which has been sweeping over this city recently, but I thought it would only be for a benefit to those departments to give them extra support. I see that you all do not wish to be kept waiting, and thus I shall gladly present this new group. I give you, the SSW, better known as the Sloth SWAT!" Pointing to the curtains, spotlights were pointed presumably to the animals who would be making their way onto the stage.

Every jaw from every mammal in the crowd (minus the guards, of course) dropped as they heard the name of the group which had been created by Mayor Lionheart

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Every jaw from every mammal in the crowd (minus the guards, of course) dropped as they heard the name of the group which had been created by Mayor Lionheart. The Sloth SWAT? It seemed as if Mayor Lionheart was pulling a big prank on the city, but if that was the case, none of the civilians were laughing. All of the mammals watched as a few animals ssslllooowwwlllyyy made their way onto the stage from both sides of the curtain, each of them clearly identifiable as sloths. These sloths were wearing the typical black vest of a normal SWAT team member, and each of them carried M16s on their shoulders, marching in an orderly fashion. The lead sloths of each column seem to be using a baton to guide their fellow sloths, but if they were waving it from side to side, they did it so slowly that the mammals watching could barely tell what they were doing at all. To make a long story short, there were no enthusiastic cheers or roars of applause from the crowd as all of the sloths that were present there finally stood together on the center stage.

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