Chapter XVI: Targeted

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Nicholas saw that the time was 3:00PM, for he had picked up the watch to check the time before he left this forest for good. Knowing what device was implanted into the watch; Nicholas had no intention of bringing it with him. The last thing Nicholas needed was a method for Jack to get the upper hand on him, and that was something he could not risk. He had learned that day that Jack was relentless, and once he set his mind on doing his task, he would stop at nothing to complete it. This made him dangerous, and Nicholas knew he would need to find a way to expose his intents to the ZPD, or all would be up.

Fortunately for the sly fox and his companion, Finnick's vehicle had been left completely untouched by the ZPD, parked as peacefully as Nick and Finnick had left it. Since his left shoulder was injured, Nicholas was relieved when Finnick offered to drive him back to his home. In addition to that, Finnick informed Nicholas that once he dropped him off at his house, he would go back into hiding as Nicholas had found him before. Deep down, Nicholas couldn't say that he was surprised. Considering the opposition that he was facing, alongside the new warrant on his life and any other mammal associated with him; Finnick's best bet at staying safe would be to separate from him. He has done enough for me already, Nick thought to himself, And honestly, I just want to go home. In truth, Nicholas knew that once he got back home, he could refresh himself, clean up his few injuries a bit more, and grab his Colt and the extra ammo he kept in his nightstand ever since he became a cop. The Colt he had borrowed from Finnick was waterlogged, so he was in dire need of a replacement. Once Finnick was ready, the two foxes made their way to Nick's house, Nicholas himself doing what he could to keep a level head.

* * *

It was about 4:00PM by the time he arrived back at his house. Finnick parked the van near the sidewalk leading up to his house, and after saying their farewells, Nicholas left the vehicle and watched Finnick drive off into the streets. Once his eyes caught sight of his home, Nicholas felt relief wash over his tired body, ready at last to head inside. Strangely enough, Nicholas could not help but feel that he was being watched. Indeed, the moment he stepped out of his vehicle, he heard a voice call to him, "Officer Wilde, is that you?" Turning around swiftly, Nicholas could not believe who he saw, standing right beside his cop car. It was Alex Satur himself! Man, I knew I should have kept myself alert for any cop cars around the area. Nick thought to himself, wondering if he had just walked into an easy arrest. His gun was not working, and thus he could not immobilize or stop Alex even if he wanted to. Alex was much bigger and stronger than he was, so it wasn't as if he could overpower him physically. As such, Nicholas felt inclined to do only one thing: raise his hands high in the air. "Alex Satur, I have no way out, so you can go ahead and arrest me. I won't try to resist." Alex hesitated for a second, and before Nicholas knew what he was doing, he saw him break into a run towards him. Here goes nothing. Nick thought to himself as he closed his eyes.

You know those every-once-in-a-while moments when in your deepest darkest hours, when all hope seems lost and the world is against you, that Lady Luck decides to give you some unexpected support? Well, this was one of those moments for Nicholas. Alex was not getting a running start to make a tackle, nor was he moving towards him to arrest him. Instead, the moment Alex came within inches of Nicholas, Nicholas closing his eyes and anticipating the worst; he only wrapped his arms around the battered fox and lifted him high in the air, shouting with great joy, "My God, it is so good to see you're okay, Officer Wilde!" Unfortunately for the smaller vulpine, in his rush of excitement, Alex seemed to have underestimated his own strength, for the massive hug he gave Nicholas was nearly suffocating him. "'!" Nick barely managed to stammer. Realizing what he was doing, Alex set Nicholas back onto the ground, telling him apologetically, "Oh, I'm so sorry, Wilde! I just got so excited, sir." "Excited, eh?" Nick replied dubiously. Unfortunately for the wolf, Nicholas was not the most "excited" to see him, and it did not take a logician to guess the reason why.

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