Chapter XXII: Cold Justice

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From the icy waters near the waterfall, coming with as much speed as animally possible in their state, a drenched Nicholas Wilde and Mr. Big made their appearance. The two of them were already beginning to freeze, and they both seemed to know already that there was nothing they could do to stop the cold from kicking in. The moment Nicholas finished walking a few meters from the shore; he collapsed onto the ground, his body unable to walk any longer. Both he and Mr. Big were succumbing to hypothermia, and even if they did take off their wet clothes, even that would probably be of no assistance to them. The two of them were gasping for air, for they had been swimming in the cold water for a lot longer than they knew they should have.

As they lay there in the freezing snow, Mr. Big had just enough breath in him to speak to his fox companion, "Nicky?" "Yes, Mr. Big?" Nick asked. Even with his words, Nick could tell that he was still shivering profusely and weakening, "I...I am...I am glad that I...that I spared both you...both you and...and Judy the...the day you came back...came back to me." Rubbing his paws over Mr. Big in a vain attempt to warm him, Nick replied (also shivering), "I am glad that you...that you did as well. Though I...I am still glad I...I knew you before then. Knowing you did help make me who I am...who I am today." "I have...I have a confession...a confession to make." Mr. Big told him. Listening intently, Nick heard Mr. Big's words, his voice growing weaker, "I did...I did ice Sinon's sisters. It was a wrong decision on my...on my part. If there was...if I could have changed what I...what I did, I would have...would have gladly done so. I am...I am sorry for causing...causing such troubles for and Judy both." Even though it was true that it all came back to that fatal decision, Nicholas did not blame Mr. Big for all of the troubles that had occurred. The only one truly to blame was Sinon, and that was the end of it.

          Hearing Mr

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Hearing Mr. Big calling him closer, Nick heard him whisper weakly, "Can you...can you make...make me two promises?" Nick nodded, and still doing what he could to rub and warm Mr. Big, however vain his efforts may have been, he heard Mr. Big ask him softly, "Please be sure to look after...look after my Fru Fru and both...and both Judys when I...I'm gone. They will...they will be in need of help without...without their father." Nick nodded that he would, and Mr. Big gave his final request, "Nicky, when I...when I am buried, sure bury me in a...a skunk butt rug." Nick snuck in a smile as he told him, "I will, Mr. Big. I promise." Tears flowed from his eyes as he watched the drenched shrew slowly stop shivering, his head eventually laying back and his body becoming as motionless as a stone statue.

More tears flowed from Nicholas' eyes as he continued to hold Mr. Big in his hands. He could already feel the same deathly cold overwhelming him, and he did not have to guess what would soon happen to him. The icy waters of Tundratown were not ones to enter without emergency items for hypothermia, of which Nicholas had none. As he lay on the snowy ground, only two thoughts occupied his mind. First, he knew that because of his actions, though Sinon had been defeated at last, it had come at the price of his dear friend. Second, he knew that the ZPD would go on without him, and that Judy would continue to be the great cop that she always was. Moreover, as he felt his body succumbing to the cold, he felt satisfied that he had kept his promise to his dear friend, being with him in his dying moments. For this precious moment, with Mr. Big lying in his hands, Nicholas did not wish that he were anywhere else.

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