Chapter XIX: Into The Fox's Den

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The next morning brought excellent refreshment for the 4 mammals at the inn. As Nicholas awoke from his bed, Judy sleeping by his side, he gave his two arms a good luxurious stretch. Considering they had not exactly packed their bags or anything before coming to this inn, Nicholas assumed he would have to put on the same uniform that he wore yesterday. Though he did not like the thought of having to wear the same clothes, he knew that everyone else in his team had to deal with the exact same issues, and thus it was only fair that he would suffer along with them. After all, walking around shirtless throughout Zootopia would probably be highly scrutinized by the general public (minus Judy maybe, Nick thought to himself dirtily), and thus wearing his old clothes from the previous day would be a necessity he would need to deal with, at least for now.

Fortunately for Nicholas, the rest of his companions had seemingly awoken at about the same time as he did, including Judy herself. As such, they all were ready to have the inn's morning breakfast which came with their rooms, and once they had all set aside desire for food and drink, they all discussed their next move. Nick was the first to speak. "Alright, something tells me that we all need to head to the ZPD for a fresh uniform and to stock up on any weapons we will need for our little investigation, but after that we really have no leads to work off of. We could always use the jam cams back at the ZPD, but something tells me those foxes are still within the city." "That is a good point." Alex commented, "We need something, or someone, to tell us the location of these foxes' base. Hold on, what about those foxes we captured back at your place, Wilde?" "Sorry to say Alex, but they are both dead." Nick replied, remembering when he had checked on those foxes himself. "Dead? Weren't they alive when we placed him in the car?" Alex asked Nick, shock lining his fur. "They were, but neither of them are now. Somehow, they managed to get shot in the head, and who knows in what situation they died in." Nick replied, disappointment thick in his words. Judy was still getting caught up on everything that had gone on since she was out, and Nicholas could tell that she was trying to find something to add to the conversation, but to no avail.

Finally, Simeon's voice was heard at last by the officers at the table, "I don't know if this helps, but while I was looking over some of the foxes which were killed at and around the theatre, I found something interesting in one of their coat pockets. Whether this has much value, I am not sure." Seeing that he had everyone's attention, Simeon took something out of his coat pocket and presented it to the officers. Nicholas grabbed it immediately and looked it over closely. The card was so similar to the card that Judy had received from Mr. Big that Nicholas could tell exactly what it was. On it was written the address of a large building in Tundratown, and on the back of the card was written 5 words: We are all kin here. "Judy, Alex, I think we have our next stop after the ZPD." Nick commented. "Why didn't you show us the card before?" Judy demanded to Simeon, her voice sounding strangely harsh. "Since I wasn't sure if it would come in handy, and for that matter, I wasn't sure if you guys were already working off of a lead. Besides, I just found it off of a dead fox, and most mammals don't tend to carry big leads around like this." Simeon explained, his voice sounding rather sincere. "So in other words, you weren't sure what it was, and thus you hid it from us?" Judy demanded, her eyes still glaring with suspicion at Simeon. Could she just give him a break? Nick thought to himself, feeling a little surprised with Judy's harsh attitude toward their companion.

"Judy, I believe that's quite enough. We got the card, and isn't that all that really matters?" Nick asked her rhetorically. Judy did not say a word, and he could see her lowering her ears in either anger or submission. Getting back to the subject at hand, Nick continued on with the discussion, "Alright, so now that we know where we're headed, shall we get a move on?" Everyone seemed to agree with that statement, and before any other mammal in the inn noticed anything, they all left the area rather quickly, making their way hastily out the door. Nick saw Judy texting something, but he decided to ignore it. He really wasn't in the mood to give her a talk about her behavior at breakfast, and they needed to get going. The sooner he got himself a new uniform, the better.

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