Chapter VI: Competition

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Having descended from the roof, the mammals that had gathered together slowly began to divide themselves into three different groups. One was made up of Bogo and Savage, and they were clearly headed to Bogo's office toward continuing to discuss the work that he would be doing there. Another group was made up of Clawhauser and Alex, and something told Judy that they would either be heading back to the front desk (in Clawhauser's case) or heading home to get some sleep after the late-night shift. The last group was made up of Judy and Nick, and Judy could not help but think to herself, What was it between Nick and Savage that caused such hostility between them this morning? Did they know each other before? Judy's curiosity was tantalizing her, and when her curiosity was in this state, she wanted it satisfied. As such, grabbing Nicholas once again by the necktie, dragging him once more into a private corner (even though there was probably no need, since there was still about an hour before the other officers arrived), Judy got herself ready to ask Nicholas her questions.

Even though she had not even spoken yet, Judy could tell that Nicholas could guess what she was going to ask. Nevertheless, she asked anyway, "Okay Nick, what in the world was that all about?" Nick gave a great sigh before giving her his answer, "Let me guess Carrots, this is about Savage, isn't it?" "This is about the way you acted toward Savage when he arrived, Nick." Judy stated strongly, almost at the point of raising her voice, "Would showing a little respect to him do you any harm?" Nick rolled his eyes before he replied, "Respect? It is a little hard to be respectful when he...when he was..." Nicholas seemed to stutter, and Judy could sense it in his voice, as if he was hiding something. "When he was what? Come on, tell me Nick. We're partners, are we not?" Judy tried to reassure him, hoping that he would come around. Unfortunately for Judy, Nicholas only seemed to become more and more lost in thought.

Deciding to change the subject, considering that her legs were already feeling tired, Judy asked her partner, "Hey Nick, I know that we both probably didn't get any breakfast due to the early wake-up call, so why don't we head over to a donut shop or something?" Nick's gaze seemed to brighten after that, and she could already tell that he was revitalizing from the earlier incidents that morning, his voice reflecting this, "That sounds like a great idea! With any luck, a full stomach should make this day go by better." Judy nodded in agreement, and as such they made their way to the front doors of the ZPD toward entering their vehicles. Glancing back at Clawhauser, Judy saw the cheerful cheetah staring at them, his elbows on the desk and his hands on his cheeks. If he tried any harder, could he be any more obnoxious? Judy thought humorously to herself. Despite his strange look, Judy did not let it bother her as she got into her car, making her way towards the closest donut shop.

* * *

Judy and Nick had both situated themselves at a table next to the window, a table which potentially allowed 3 animals to sit down and dine. Judy had chosen for herself some oatmeal with diced carrots mixed within, while Nicholas ordered scrambled eggs with hash browns. Both officers had purchased a cup of coffee, and they drank from their beverage holders occasionally. Judy had also bought a small box of donuts, just to keep Clawhauser in a good mood. Looking back at Nicholas, Judy could tell right off the bat that her partner was already seeming more revitalized. His mood was much happier, and occasionally she caught him glancing at her. She did not mind at all, since they were partners, were they not? Occasionally, she noticed that several animals around them giving her strange looks, but she could care less. So what if she liked Nicholas as much as she did? There was nothing wrong with caring for someone else, even if he was a different species than her.

To make a long story short, the positive atmosphere around their table was spoiled by "a third wheel." Before either of them saw it coming, a voice startled Judy from behind, "Do you mind if I sit with you two?" Judy knew she recognized that voice, and turning around she saw none other than Mr. Savage himself, his own breakfast in his hands. Nicholas looked as if he was going to reply, but Judy was faster, telling Savage politely, "Of course you can! There is a free seat available right here." Glancing over at Nicholas, Judy could see him rolling his eyes with annoyance. Did I make the wrong move there? she wondered. But it was too late now, and so for the time being, the 3 animals sat at the same table; Nicholas on the left side, Mr. Savage on the right, and Judy in the middle.

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