Chapter IV: Double Strike

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Eight more days passed since the incident at the bar into the history books, and for the most part passed uneventfully. Cassius was never seen or heard from again, but there was no record of his arrests at any Precinct, and so Nicholas assumed that he was still out on the run. Due to her tipsy state, Judy had little recollection of what had happened that night, and to Nicholas that was good in it of itself. He knew that she trusted him, and if she were to remember anything, it would only serve to be for an increase to her trust in her beloved partner.

Alex had recovered well from his injuries, and as it had turned out, Cassius had also wrenched out his knife from Alex's wound when he had left, clearly signaling that he wanted to leave nothing behind for the ZPD. The medical Evac had successfully stopped any excess bleeding, and due to the plentiful amount of plasma that was available for the wolf, Alex survived. Bogo was keen on rewarding Alex for his courage, promising him that he would send him an extra $200 bonus by the end of the week. To Nicholas' amazement, Alex refused the generous offer, but instead told Bogo to send the money to his younger brother at the police academy. He added that he and his younger brother had promised that they would look out for each other, and even though his younger brother had not yet graduated from the police academy, Alex wanted him to know that he was still keeping that promise. Bogo was quite impressed at the wolf's selflessness, and Nicholas too felt the same. In the end, Bogo agreed to send it to his younger brother, and Alex continued doing his good work in the ZPD, now having truly earned his chief's respect.

But nevertheless, no matter how much good is done in the world, evil always manages to peak its head in several places, or in this case, in two.

* * *

It was roughly 10:00AM, and two polar bears named Raymond and Kevin had received secret orders from one of their fellow mob members, something which was not particularly abnormal, considering their shady business and all. The two of them were told that they were needed for a meeting in an abandoned warehouse in City Central, the specifics of the location written down for them on a separate slip of paper. Having received the paper and their orders, Raymond and Kevin made their way toward the warehouse, Mr. Manchas gladly escorting them.

The travel to the warehouse took roughly 45 minutes, but neither of the polar bears minded. As long as they got there for the meeting, that was all that counted. Arriving at the backdoor of the warehouse, so as not to attract any unwanted attention, the polar bears made their way into the warehouse, eager to reach the meeting place. They were both dressed in nice black suits, looking almost identical to one another. Entering another door, ducking so they would not bump their heads and suffer a bruise to the head, the two polar bears saw several figures waiting for them in the warehouse. Knowing fully well who they may be, Raymond and Kevin made their way toward the new company.

The small group was made up of 5 foxes, 3 red foxes and two arctic ones. To the surprise of the polar bears, all but the one in the center had bags strapped onto their backs, as if they were hiding or going to reveal something. The fox in the center had dark-blue eyes, a scar across the left side of his face. Looking at the two polar bears, he asked with the hint of a command in his tone, "So, which polar bears might you be?" Raymond and Kevin gruffly gave him their names, and the fox seemed to almost smile. "Well, I am sure the boss will be quite pleased to know which ones came." Raymond and Kevin looked at each other with confused looks, not sure what exactly the fox meant.

Just then, the sound of police car sirens slowly grew louder and louder outside the warehouse, clearly closing in on their area. The polar bears could feel panic began to grow within them, hoping that the foxes would hurry and do what they had come here to do. To their surprise, the two red foxes stepped forward, throwing 4 money-bags at their feet. Looking down at them, the polar bears could tell that this money had been stolen from a bank. Before they realized what was happening, 4 smoke grenades appeared below their feet, immediately setting off and filling the air with choking smoke. Barely seeing through the darkness, Kevin saw 4 of the foxes pull out gas masks and leave the area. As for the one who had spoken, he simply left the area with them wearing nothing, seemingly saluting the two polar bears in the smoke. Both Raymond and Kevin collapsed onto the ground as smoke filled their lungs, both of the polar bears gasping for breath. As the smoke finally cleared from the area, the most unpleasant surprise awaited them.

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