Chapter XX: The Substance of Sinon

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You know those moments for animals (especially for animals like rabbits) where instinct just kicks in, and running is the only course of action taken in the situation? Well, that was exactly what happened for the 3 officers within that fateful warehouse, all now running from the dozens of guards around the area. The guards often times fired wildly, occasionally striking an "innocent bystander" as they aimed toward killing the intruders. The innocent bystanders would most likely have pulled their guns on the officers as well, if it was not for the foolish actions taken by the guards, and thus most of them just watched as the chase ensued around the theatre.

As Nick occasionally opened fire upon the foes pursuing them, he recognized rather quickly, Somehow we need to get to a new floor. Besides, it is up on the higher levels that we will find figures like Sinon hiding. Keeping a close eye out for his companions, making sure that none of them had fallen behind or suffered injury, Nicholas kept searching for an entrance to the upper levels. Finally, as if by convenience, a door leading to a stairway made its presence known to his eyes. "Alex, Judy, follow me quickly!" Nick ordered, pointing toward the stairway. Once Alex, Judy and Nick reached the stairway, climbing up the stairs as quickly as they could, Nicholas knocked over a nearby cabinet to block the door that they entered through, sealing it for now. Making their way up enough stairs to buy them a few moments of safety, the 3 officers took their time to catch their breath, allowing fresh oxygen to flow through their lungs once more.

With the time they had, they formulated a plan, a plan which unfortunately required them to split up. "I need to find Fru Fru and Judy as quickly as I can. I know they are planning to do something to them, and I have to stop them before that happens." Judy stated. "I will see if I get into contact with Simeon. I haven't heard from him at all since he separated from us." Alex added. "Then I guess it will be up to me to finish off Sinon. That cloaked fox can't escape from here alive!" Nick concluded. With their goals set, promising to use their coms to keep each other informed on their positions (especially until their reinforcements arrived), the 3 officers set off toward accomplishing their goals.

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          Minus the several guards she had to take down as she went through a few hallways, Judy did not feel as if she was meeting stiff resistance

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Minus the several guards she had to take down as she went through a few hallways, Judy did not feel as if she was meeting stiff resistance. One fox had actually caught her in the open, but he was such a terrible shot that the 8 bullets he fired from his M16 missed her by a mile. Thank goodness for my small size. Judy thought to herself, knowing it was due to her nimbleness and tiny size that she had dodged several potentially lethal situations. Finally, from the looks of the windows she passed by, Judy could see that she was reaching a balcony of sorts which overlooked the outside. She was lucky to have turned and come to the balcony when she did, for there at the edge she found what she had been looking for.

Five foxes, 3 red and two arctic, were all making their way toward the edge of a balcony. From the sounds of it, Judy assumed they were not too far from a flowing source of water, even though this was Tundratown and all. Looking at the foxes, she saw that the one in the middle held a cage in his hand, and within the cage were none other than Fru Fru and her own goddaughter Judy! They're going to throw them over the edge! Judy realized quickly, drawing her gun with record speed. Firing a warning shot near one of the fox's feet, the foxes immediately stopped moving. Turning around, they all were quite surprised at what they saw. "Oh look at that, if it isn't a cute little bunny! Has she come to join us in a snuggle party?" the fox holding the cage said, his voice filled with taunting. Don't you dare call me cute. Judy thought to herself, not letting her anger take control of her just yet. "Hand over the cage, and the rest of you will be spared." Judy demanded. "Is that so? Spared from what, cute little bunny?" the same fox demanded, almost surprised at how adamantly Judy had spoken. "Arrest in the best-case scenario, death and injury in the worst-case scenario." Judy told them bluntly. "If you don't believe, feel free to test me." Judy readied herself for what was inevitably happening next.

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