Shopping Trip

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Shikamarus pov

"come on boys keep up!" ino yelled as she took the lead as usual.

Neji held my arm as he happily looked around the village centre. He always seemed so happy to get out of the house. I wonder if he got out that much when he was with the hyuga clan.

"I just realised something" neji said suddenly.

"what is it?" I asked.

"this is technically our first date!"

"oh so it is" I muttered. I've been going out with him for a month now and I haven't taken him on one date? Wow I'm a really crappy boyfriend!

"it would be a nicer date if that bothersome women wasn't here" I gestured to ino.

"oh hush you inos not bothersome at all!" neji slapped my arm playfully. I rolled my eyes fondly. Even when he's scolding me he's beautiful!

"oi lovebirds!" ino called out to us "we're here!"

She sent us up to an expensive looking clothes shop to buy suits. She said it would help me make a good impression on hinata. God what a drag!

"hey shikamaru how do I look?" I turned around and my jaw dropped. Neji was wearing a blue suit with his hair down. I've never seen anything more attractive!

"you look beautiful" I pulled him in for a kiss.

"I'll leave you two alone" ino giggled before running off.

We bought the suits and wore them out. Neji words came back to me..

"this is technically our first date!"

We can't spend our first date clothes shopping. Not even I'm that lazy! Come on shikamaru think! where else can I take him- suddenly an idea popped into mind. I grabbed his hand and took off running.

"where are you taking me?" neji gasped.

"we've got an hour until we have to meet the girls" I yelled back at him "let's do something a bit more fun for our first date!" 

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