My New Sensai Is Uncle Choji!?

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Kimaris pov

I bounced a ball against the wall in boredom. Right now we were waiting for our new sensai to take us in but he was late! Seriously I thought this would be a thing that ran in borutos family not mine!

I looked over at my new teammates. Inojin was drawing a picture of a rat and chocho was eating a packet of crisps. Both seemed content with waiting. That makes things less troublesome at least.

"ahh so sorry I'm late kids" I looked up and to my surprise it was...

"uncle choji!?" I muttered in disbelief. What's he doing here?

"papa what are you doing here?" chocho asked.

"why am your sensai!" uncle choji yelled "didn't I tell you about this last night honey?"

"no offence dad but I tend to block you out most of the time" chocho muttered.

"oh is that so?" uncle choji chuckled awkwardly. I kinda feel bad for the guy!

"anyway I'm your sensai now so come on out and I'll give you a test" we looked at each other before following him.

Uncle Choji never seemed like the teaching kind. I wonder how this will go...

suduced by a theif (shikaneji omegaverse Au) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora