Chapter 19: Journey's end?

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Location: United Nations Assembly, United States, Earth

The molt can be seen looking out the window of his Prison transport in awe at the cities as he passes by tall buildings. Behind the Prison, the transport was the team, the locals including the Princess.

(Y/N) Can be seen in his Desert Cammies as he stays quiet. He glances At Kuribayashi who was behind him and didn't say a word since they recovered her. As the Convoy continues, People can be seen waiving signs at Molt as a war criminal while also celebrating the death of Zorzal as I see a picture of myself in one of the Signs in my dress blues with the words "Semper Fi! Boston Hero!'

Meanwhile, the Princess can be seen troubled by the sight as she held on to me tightly, scared of what they'll do to her as Elena kept watch.

(Y/N)'s POV

We reach the assembly as the MP's unload Molt as they escort him inside the building as I motion the Princess to follow him. She nods as we enter the assembly with the International Court of Justice preparing their session as I escort my team and the natives into some seats as I see Kuribayashi troubled. I finally decided to ask.

"...He didn't just punch you did he?"

I ask her as she flinches, she slowly nods with tears in her eyes.

"H-He groped me...he kept beating me while touching me...h-he was about to...until his guards told him to r-return..."

She says, sniffing as I hug her as she hugs me back tightly.

"It's okay, you don't need to worry...I got the son of a bitch. I'm here...we're here."

I told her as Molt was taken to the stand as he was surrounded by multiple national representatives.

"Court in session."

One of the ICJ Personal says as pictures were shown on a huge screen of multiple war crimes done by Empire. Rape, Murder, Torture, Slavery, and Genocide as some of the representatives gasps in horror with multiple of them starting to talk eith one another. There was also a picture of a decapitated head...Of a US Pilot.

"Molt Sol Augustus, you have been charged with multiple crimes against life as the following are the charges: Slavery, Mass Rape, Encouragement of Atrocities, Murder, Torture, and mass genocide."

One of them says as Molt lowers his head to the microphone.

"...I only did what's best for my nation. It was my son who encourage those atrocities, he says it is the only way my Empire would retain its power."

Molt says as the screen changes to my Vest Camera as I watch the replay of my quick reaction as I shot Molt.

"Your son was killed by Lance Corporal (Y/N) Nantz of the 2nd Battalion, 5th Marines of the United States Marine corps. And yet you do not show any empathy to your son or hatred to your son's killer."

The picture Changes to a video of Marines throwing the body of Zorzal into a deep pit as gunfire was heard with the screen blurred as red matter can be seen until Marines doused Gas and burnt the pit.

"...My son is a Monster, and I do not show any hatred to Warrior Nantz."

Molt says until they stop him.

"Then, where did he learn this?"

Molt falls silent as the screen shows multiple recovered documents approving war crimes, all signed by Molt.

"Molt, do you have any compassion for any of the people and their families you killed?"

Molt pauses before looking up with a stern expression.

"...No...I was doing the gods a favor."

I notice an MP Private getting pulled out of the assembly by two other MP's as the Private can be seen trying to aim a gun at Molt.

"May Princess Pina Co Lada come to the stand."

The Princess comes to one of the stands beside her father as she glances at the ICJ personnel.

"Princess, may I ask, did your father ever do such of these atrocities."

The Princess glances at Molt as Molt stares her down. The Princess finally takes a stand with a determined and emotional look.


She says in English as she starts speaking in English after I taught her a lot.

"My mother...Was a slave...I watch my own Father, Rape and Butchered her."

She says with venom as Molt closes his eyes, betrayed.

"...I watch him kill so many...Enslave people who I tried to make friends with..."

The Princess pauses with tears in her eyes.

"...He killed my Younger Brother."

I was quickly taken aback as I see Pina staring at me from the stand.

"...Princess, it says you and Zorzal are the only children."

They say as the Princess has tears strolling down her face.

"...I had a baby brother...He was taken from my arms as soon he was forced from my dying mother...I saw him again...My father hid my brother..."

Pina says as she continues.

"...He isn't a Monster...He is Hitler."

She says, remembering one of the History books I showed her as she begins talking more.

"My father was Hitler, Stalin, and Mao Zedong. He murdered...Billions...I lost count. There were more kingdoms before he took the rule, and now there are only a few hundred left. Species eradicated from the Planet, families murdered...I never wanted to be his daughter, I would have rather a been miscarriage for my mother."

She says as she continues her speech.

"I do not stand with him, Not anymore! The UN Is the better option than him...I saw the UN Help others, help their enemy, help me learn what's it like to be human again."

She says as she turns to me and my team.

"...I met friends, Friends that showed me to be Human once again. I love one of them...The Japanese Soldiers, Lieutenant Youji Itami, the American Marines, Major Micheal Nantz...And Lance Corporal (Y/N) Nantz showed me what's It like to be human again."

She finishes as The Assembly claps for her.

"Molt Sol Augustus, with the United Nations Assembly coming to the same agreement. You have been condemned to death, Your crimes against life have been answered for...May God have Mercy On Your Soul."

After the assembly, I and my team wait outside for Pina as she exits the building. I approach her with a smile as she smiles too. We both hugged, knowing it was a time to change.

"Fuck yeah! Drinks on me boys!"

Lockett says as we all turn but only to be met with My brother standing there with his arms crossed.

"...Im paying."

He says as the team celebrates as before we left, I turn to Elena with a smile as she returns it.

"They'll find out either way."

She says as I look at her in confusion.

"What do-"

I was cut off as she grabs my Collar and smacks her lips on mine as the team noticed. With the Japanese shock as the Americans celebrate.

"My boy (Y/N)! I told you he ain't gonna be a virgin soon!"

Lucky says as Imlay and Lockett Flip him off as he won the bet.

Everything seemed to be won, Pina will take over the Saderan empire, everything was good. Nothing could ruin the moment.

A lone F-22 can be seen patrolling the night sky of Falmart as he stares down at the beautiful scenery. The Pilot looks up and stares in confusion.

"...A Meteor shower?"


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