Chapter Four

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Disclaimer: I did something different with this chapter. I don't know how you guys will feel about it BUT I hope you love and enjoy it 🥺😘

Sorry it took me forever to update this book, I promise to do better 😩

Enjoy babies ♥️


June 15th, 2012
Los Angeles, California
Brewster-Cook Household

I was sitting in our bed, relaxing, reading the baby book when AJ walks into the room, "Hey, did you finally get Mekhai to fall asleep?"

"I did. He wanted me to keep reading books to him." I chuckle as she climbs into bed, "Can I talk to you about something..?"

"Yeah baby, what's up?" I bookmark my chapter and place the book down.

"So, I've been thinking a lot recently and I've done the research and everything. I think I want to change my pronouns.." she said picking at her nails, not looking at me. I place my hand on her knee.

"What do you mean baby?"

"I don't want to go by she/her anymore. I think I would prefer they/them. I just.. I feel more masculine and I like to dress more masculine. I don't want a sex change or anything, I just think that she/her doesn't feel right to me anymore." They lift their head up looking at me. I smile softly.

"Okay baby, I understand that. And I appreciate you coming to talk to me. So, do you wanna go shopping for more clothes that fit you better? How can I make you comfortable now?"

"I think I do want to go shopping and just being there for me. I also want to cut my hair, maybe. I'm still thinking about that"

"Okay, I can do that. Are you keeping your name or?"

"For now, like I said I just don't feel like she/her is the right fit for me right now. That could change but I'm pretty sure this is permanent." I pat the space between my legs, they crawl over to me. I grab their face, bringing it close to mine. They stare in my eyes.

"You Andrea Joy Cook are one of a kind and I'm so lucky to have you in my life. Mekhai and our child will always know what a wonderful wife you are to me. I appreciate you so much" I catch the tear that rolls down their face before bringing them into a kiss. Our lips lingering.

"I love you so much Paget"

"I love you too baby, now, make love to me. I need to feel you"

"With pleasure"


The next morning, we cuddled in bed, talking, with a sleeping Mekhai between us. I ran my hand over their cheek, placing my palm against it. They push their face further into my hand.

"Thank you"

"Of course my love. Whatever makes you happy, makes me happy. I love you for you, no matter what pronouns, gender, or definition you decide to take, I'll always be here. I promise" they lean over pressing their lips to me. I sigh into the kiss. "Now, as much as I love being mushy with you. We're hungry, your child is giving me cramps"

"Why do they have to be my child when they're hurting you?" They get up and I stare at them as they walk into the bathroom in tight shorts and a sports bra. They're so sexy and I know it's just my hormones but God, I want them every second of day.

Mekhai rolls over and snuggles himself into me, his breath now hitting me in the face. I chuckle and adjust him a little. He scoots closer until I can feel him against my growing stomach. I rub my hand through his wild blonde hair, he's a spitting image of AJ.

"Okay, what would you like this morning?"

"Hmm, how about your famous French toast, eggs, bacon, and tea? Since I can't have coffee and make Mekhai one as well. He should be up by the time you're done. We will come down."

"Okay baby"


30 minutes later Mekhai and I join AJ downstairs in the kitchen, "Mommy!!" Mekhai screams when he sees AJ, I let him down and he runs over, hugging their legs. I chuckle and sit down at the table. Mekhai runs back over to me and climbs into my lap. AJ brings our plates and we sit there eating and listening to Mekhai talk about any and everything. He's been so talkative lately.

After we finished with breakfast, we all made our way upstairs to get ready for the day. We were going to donate some clothes and then heading to NY actually. We decided to go there because we needed a getaway from California for a while. We found a nice apartment to rent for a month or so.

We packed our bags and took everything down to the SUV that came to pick us up. We dropped the stuff at goodwill then made our way to the airport. We boarded the plane and took off towards NY.


New York, New York
Madison Square Park Tower

We arrived in New York around 4:30 that afternoon. Mekhai was sound asleep in my lap as we pulled up to apartment we got. The building was so beautiful, I can only imagine what the inside looks like.

The bellhop came out and grabbed our bags for us. We made our way to our floor and got off walking down to our unit. The view was amazing from the hallway. When we walked into the apartment, my eyes widen. It was nicer than my old house in California. Paget tipped the bellhop.

"So, what do you think?" She asked as I walked around the living room.

"It's beautiful, how did you find this place?"

"A lot of searching that's how. Come on, let's get our things put away so we can go find something to eat, your child is hungry" I chuckle at her and hand her Mekhai. I grab the bags and take them to the primary bedroom. I get all of our things put away into the closet and drawers before going back to the living room where I can hear Mekhai talking.

"Hey, you guys ready to eat?"

"We are always ready to eat, let's go"


AHHH, our baby changed their pronouns 🥺 they/them definitely fits to be honest 🥰😩

I hope you guys liked what I did and if you didn't let me know!

Stay tuned for more baby!

Paget also has a surprise for AJ while they're there. 😈😍😁

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2022 ⏰

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