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The wedding is finally here! Hope y'all's outfits are to die for and that you brought a gift.

Brief mention of marijuana.


November 6th, 2008
Malibu, California
Shemar Moore's House

Today is our wedding. Today is the day I marry Paget Valerie Brewster. I commit myself to her. I was in a room with Kirsten, Angela, and my mom. Mekhai was asleep in his portable crib.

"Are you nervous?" My sister, Angela, asks as she does my makeup.

"Not really. Before I even met her, I would always picture a wedding between us. It feels so surreal honestly."

"I, for one, am excited. I remember the day you told me you had a crush on her. You were freaking out and down right nervous. I knew this day would come eventually and I'm glad that I'm here to witness it" Kirsten said handing me a glass of red wine. We talked and laughed as we got ready. We wanted to wait until the sun was about to set.

Shemar's house sat right off the beach. He had the perfect view of the sunset.


"Are you nervous?" Matthew asks as we sit outside on the balcony of my room. We are sipping some whiskey.

"Hell yes. You know how I get when I'm nervous, I stutter. Andrea is just.. She's my soulmate. She's the person I've always needed. She makes me the happiest I've ever been."

"I'm so happy for you guys. Thank you for letting me celebrate this wonderful and exciting moment in you guys life. I'm extremely honored to be marrying you guys. Cheers to you" we clinked glasses before sipping. We sat around the room drinking and talking with the rest of the guys and my dad. My brother also came for the wedding.

As it got closer to the wedding starting, my anxiety was through the roof. Shemar was with me in the bathroom, trying to calm me down.

"You gotta calm down Paget. Here, take this" he hands me a pen. I stare at it.

"Uh, what's this?" He rolls his eyes.

"It's weed, now take a couple of hits. Don't have all day" I take a few hits and we stand there until they kick in.

"Okay, so now what?" He chuckles, shaking his head.

"Drink some water and go get married"

"Oh yeah, I'm getting married."


I'm standing in the living room with my mom as we wait for the wedding to begin. The nervousness has finally kicked in.

"Okay, now I'm nervous." My mom chuckles at me, fixing strands of my hair.

"There's nothing to be nervous about. It's not like she's going to leave you at the alter. In my eyes, you girls were already married. This is just the late ceremony."

"You're right"

"I know I am. Now, let's get you married"


We decided to go with a monochrome wedding, we did a casino type wedding. Shemar had the backyard and the inside of his living room decorated as a casino, with different games, drinks, and a cigar bar with every kind of cigar you could think of. There was even a dance floor. There was probably close to 100-125 guest here.

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