Chapter Two

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May 20th, 2012
Los Angeles, California
CBS Studios - Criminal Minds

We had a small meeting with the casting department today since Paget is no longer with us. They're going to be introducing us to her replacement. I've heard of a few names but we didn't know who they actually went with. We were all sitting around the reading table, I was in between Matthew and Kirsten showing them pictures of Mekhai Paget sent me.

"Ah, you've made it" Erica said. We all looked up and saw Jeanne Tripplehorn walking in. She was in one of my favorite movies Basic Instinct and The Firm.

"Yes, sorry about that. My son did not want to get dropped off at camp this summer" we all chuckled. She took her place beside Erica at the head of the table. We went around introducing ourselves and did a little read through of s8 first episode, The Silencer.

We moved on to the studio where they had the set full of food for us. We spent the next hour or so chatting with Jeanne and getting to know her. She was going to be playing Alex Blake, a professor of forensic linguistics at Georgetown, with a double major and a PhD. She was a very interesting person to talk to. She had a son and has been married for 12 years. We exchanged numbers before we all left set for the summer.


I jumped into my car and started it up before ringing Paget over bluetooth.

"Hello?" I smile when her voice fills the car. I can hear Mekhai in the background singing along with a movie they're watching. I smile to myself. I love our family.

"Hi baby, what are you doing?"

"Mekhai and I are laying on the couch watching a movie, bored. We miss you" I chuckle.

"Haha, well good thing I'm on my way home. Have you ate?"

"Mm, I had toast earlier. But, we are pretty hungry. Do you want us to meet you somewhere or will you bring it home?"

"Depends on what you want my love."

"Well.. We want tacos with rice and cheese dip please."

"Okay baby, then I'll be bringing it home. Guess who's replacing you?"

"Beyoncé?" I roll my eyes chuckling.

"Yeah okay. Like Shemar and Kirsten would be able to concentrate."

"Okay, I can't guess. Tell me" I smile widely at her. She's such a dork sometimes.

"Jeanne Tripplehorn"

"From The Firm?"

"The one and only"

"Oh yeah. She's hot."

"Jeez, thanks babe" I rolled my eyes.

"Oh, you're welcome. Hey, can you.." I listened to her as she listed things she needed from the store. From toenail clippers to squirrel food. Apparently there's one that keeps coming back to our back door.

After I ran to Whole Foods and to the taco shack, I finally made it home. I was so excited to see Paget. I get excited to see her every time one of us leaves the house. And now that she's pregnant, I want to be around her every second of the day.

"I'm home!" I yelled into the house as I walked in from the garage door.

"By the back door!" I heard Paget say. I dropped everything on the counter and went around the corner. I laugh when I see Mekhai by the door, with his face smashed into the window. The squirrel Paget was talking about was sitting there eating.

"See?" She said.

"Mommy!!" Mekhai said when he saw me.

"Hi baby!" he ran over to me and I bent down catching him in my arms. "Oh, I've missed you so much" I pampered kisses all over his face as he laughed.

"I miss you too. Cheese?" He said referring to the cheese dip he loves from the taco shack we go to almost biweekly.

"Oh yeah, tacos!" Paget said basically running into the kitchen forgetting about our "pet?" Would you even call the squirrel a pet? I shrugged to myself and followed her into the kitchen. She was getting our food set out as I got Mekhai situated at the table.

We talked about the baby and everything to come with the months leading up to her delivery. Where the baby was going to sleep, if she was going to return to the show once the baby is born, are we ready for any complications that could arise, and among other things. We tried to explain to Mekhai that momma was growing a baby and that we can't play fight with her anymore, he didn't like to hear that. So, I, as the super mom I am offered to play fight with him still. He STILL didn't want to hear that. Paget has him so spoiled.


AJ and I were in the bathtub relaxing later that night. Mekhai was sound asleep and we were both full. She had her hands resting my stomach as I leaned back against her. This baby is making me so tired.

"So.. I had to schedule my appointment for the genetics testing today, for the baby." I said.

"Oh yeah? When is it?"

"In like 3 weeks, I have it on my phone. Since, I'm over the age of 35, I have to get the test. She said it's to make sure our baby won't have any birth defects.." That's one thing I was worried about. Could our baby possibly have a disability or any defects? Not that I'm going to give our child away because of that. I just want to know and prepare for the what if's.

"That's understandable. Are you anxious about it?"

"Kinda.. What are we going to do if our baby is-"

"Is what? Disabled or has a defect?" AJ asked stopping me from completing my sentence.


"Well" she said sighing and pulling me closer to her. "We are going to love that baby as much as we love Mekhai but with a little extra love and care. It's our baby, it's something that we've worked for and have been wanting since we got married. Just because they're disabled doesn't mean they aren't a person."

My heart swelled so much at hearing her say that. It calmed me down a lot actually.

"Thank you.. I was so anxious and scared. But, like you said, we are going to love them the same way we do Mekhai. I love you Andrea" I said looking up at her. She looked down at me smiling softly.

"I love you too Paget, so much" she leans down pressing our lips together.



We might bring in Aisha a little earlier than she originally joined the cast 👀

Also, they're going to be the best parents ever. Just know I'm NOT going to make the baby have a disability or a defect because I don't feel comfortable writing that, just wanted to bring it up because of the age she is in the book.

I hope y'all are enjoying and I'm sorry for not updating, work has been busy and we are about to go through a remodel so.. I might not be updating the next week or so UNLESS, I get free time.


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