Chapter Four

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CBS Studios
Criminal Minds - Stage 8
September 25, 2007

We are filming 'In Name and Blood' in which my character, Emily Prentiss and Unit Chief Aaron Hotchner are having a little problem within the FBI. My character has tendered her resignation with the FBI while Hotchner requested a transfer.

The outfit of choice for the episode is interesting. I'm wearing brown cargo pants, a pink long sleeve shirt along with combat boots. I'm not gonna be in the episode much which I'm happy about honestly. I keep having the same dream about AJ. She comes over and we almost kiss then BOOM, I'm waking up.

I try not to make things awkward but that's who I am; awkward. I'm currently walking out of the wardrobe department when I bump into someone and of course it's AJ.

"Hey! How are you?" I say trying to make conversation.

"Hi.." I see her eyes looking me up and down, I try not to smirk at her. "Is that your outfit for the episode?"

"Yeah, they're trying something different, you like?" I do a little spin for her. I turn back towards her right as her eyes snap up.

"Y-yeah, looks good! I gotta go!" I chuckle as she rushes past me to get her outfit together.


"Kirsten what am I gonna do?! She looks so hot in that outfit Jesus!" I say as I pace around my trailer in between breaks. Kirsten is sitting on the couch eating my kettle chips.

"Tell her" I stop and just stare at her. A blank stare.

"Do you hear yourself right now?! I'm married! I can't just run around telling women I like them!"

"You only like Paget though.. Where's the harm in telling her?" I chew on my lip thinking.

"You think I should tell her..?" I sit beside her taking the chips.

"It's up to you hun.. You do what you feel is right okay? Don't say anything you don't mean. Trust me I think a lot of women are pretty and maybe I get a little crush on them BUT I'm also bisexual. There's a lot to think about when liking the same sex." I lean my head on her shoulder and sigh as we share the chips.


"Alright, I wanna run it back to where Paget goes in the house! 5 minutes people!" I run over to the makeup crew so they can clean the blood off my head. I see AJ watching me out the corner of my eye. Matthew is saying something to her but she's only focused on me.

"You ready Paget?" Jeff asks. My eyes leave AJ and I follow him back to set.

"Yeah, let's do this" we run through the scene 3 more times before we get the perfect shot. The next shot is me standing in front of my window at my apartment looking out over the Washington monument. During that scene my thoughts drifted to AJ. My feelings for her were growing deeper and I've fallen for her..

As soon as they call cut, I take off to get cleaned up so I could head home. After I'm finally changed and wiped clean of blood I go to trailer. I plop down on the couch and sigh. We have the week off for remodeling on set. I decided to plan a getaway to New York.


I finally drag myself into my apartment around 12AM. Chauncey coming over to rub against my legs. I pick her padding into my bedroom to shower. I hear a knock on the door 5 minutes into the shower. I sigh and ignore it. My phone rings. I turn the water off and grab a towel wrapping it around me. KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK. I quickly head over to the door looking through the peephole. AJ. What the hell is she doing here? I throw the door open.

"Uh.. Hi?" She stares at me with wide eyes as she takes in my cover up method. Me dripping wet with only a towel on.

"H-hi.." we stand there looking at one another before I step back letting her in.

"I'm gonna go get dressed okay? Make yourself comfortable" I quickly run into my bedroom to throw on some clothes.

"So.." I say as I walk back into the living room, she's on the couch with Chauncey, just like in my dreams. I sit down beside her.

"I want to.. Uh.. I need to talk to you.." I can tell she's nervous, her hands are shaking a little.

"Okay, what's wrong..? Are you okay?" She sighs and starts picking at her nails as Chauncey jumps down from her lap. I cover her hand with mine. "Talk to me AJ.." she whimpers and pulls her hand away before taking a deep breath.

"I like you!" I freeze and stare at her with wide eyes.

"E-excuse me? I'm not.. Ha, what?"

"I like you.. I know I shouldn't and I know I'm married and that we work together but I can't get you out of my head.. Whenever I see you I get butterflies. I'm a Mormon.. I-I don't.. Ha, I've never had feelings for a woman and you might not even like me or think I'm attractive but-" I cut off her rambling.

"It's okay AJ.. I- I like you too.."




I'm about to shake the room 😈

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