Chapter Sixteen

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September 12th, 2008
CBS Studios
Stage 8 - Criminal Minds

We are filming Memoriam today. It was a Spencer episode so everyone else will pretty much be in the background which I'm thankful for because I've been having pains lately. My due date is arriving soon and the last thing I want is me going into labor during filming.

I was doing a scene with Kirsten and Meta when the pain started again. It's starting to get worse now. I tried to hide it but Kirsten of course saw it when I was off camera.

"What's with the wincing? You okay?" She asked looking at me.

I blew out air as I rubbed my stomach, "I'm fine"

"Are you sure?"

"I-I noticed this earlier" Meta said, I glared at her a little.

"Earlier? How often?" Kirsten said sitting up more, my eyes shot at Erica but she mouthed 'keep going'.

"Um in the last hour?" I swallowed a little as pain shot through me again "I'd say every 10 minutes" Kirsten took her headset off standing up. Meta followed.

"JJ why didn't you tell anyone?"

"Because! I'm not due for another 3 weeks!"

"Uh, newsflash! You're in labor!"

"No. No. No. Cause Reid needs us right now!"

"Uh-uh. You need you right now" she grabbed my arm helping me up.

"Come on, get up" they yelled cut and Erica ran over to me.

"Do you want me to get P? Or keep going? We are almost done with your scene"

"We can finish"


"Ladies and gentlemen, I'm not a doctor. I don't even play one of TV but I believe our young JJ is going into labor" Kirsten said as we walked through the doors of the BAU. Paget and Thomas were in the break room area making coffee. I saw her eyes widen as she looked at me.

"Are you okay?"

"I'll get the car" Thomas said running off. Paget ran over to me grabbing my other arm. Everything was happening so fast.

"I need to call Will"

"From the car honey" Kirsten said as they started walking me out the door. Meta stayed there looking around.

"Breathe and walk. Breathe and walk"

"Agent Todd, I hope you're ready. Because your job starts RIGHT now"


They paused filming for the day so we could go to the hospital. Kirsten, Paget, Thomas, and I piled into Paget's car so they could get me to the hospital. Shemar, Joe and Matthew were actually in Vegas filming and would join us later.

"Remember to leave the guns in the car guys, the last thing we need is getting stopped" Kirsten said to Thomas and Paget. We all chuckled as Paget rushed towards the hospital. I sent a text my mom and Nate letting them know. He has a right to know.

Once we made it to the hospital they led me to my room. We didn't need anyone taking pictures of me. They all joined me in the room for support.

"Can't believe we are about to have our first Criminal Minds baby" Kirsten said as she took pictures of everything. Paget was standing beside me brushing my hair into a ponytail. She has been so amazing this whole time.

"I know, it's finally here."


September 13th, 2008

I had Mekhai at 3:30am on that next morning. Paget stayed with me the whole time. She was already doing so good with him. I laid in bed as I watched Paget pace the room with Mekhai in her arms. They looked so cute together.

"I can feel you staring Andrea.." she said turning towards me. I chuckled.

"I'm sorry, I can't help myself. You look so cute holding him. How does it feel?"

"It feels pretty amazing. He's so cute. You did good baby" I smiled at her as she walked over to me. She sat down beside me and I sat up leaning against her. I stared down at Mekhai as he slept, his little fingers in his mouth.

"I did make a cute baby huh?"

"That you did"


September 15th, 2008

We finally were able to bring Mekhai home. Well to my house at least, Paget and I still haven't figured out the living arrangements. She carried him inside while I trialed behind them. My body was sore.

"Where do you want him? Your room or down here?"

"Down here please, I don't think I can make it up there just yet" I made my way over to the recliner and sat down wincing. She placed his car seat down and picked him up handing him over to me.

"What would you think to eat?"

"I want the biggest burger you can find and onions rings please?"

"Anything for you my love" I listened to her order the food as I rocked Mekhai. I stared at him as he slept. I couldn't believe he was finally here. He was so perfect and all mine.

"The food will be here in 30 minutes. Do you wanna shower and change?"

"Can you help me?" I asked biting my lip, I hated asking for help but I don't think I could stand by myself.

"Of course, that's what I'm here for." She grabbed Mekhai from me and helped me stand as she held on to him. We slowly made our way to the guest room downstairs so I could shower.

"Do you want a shower or bath?"

"Shower first then maybe a bath to help with the soreness" she turned the shower on while I got undressed. She handled Mekhai with ease as she did everything with one hand. I smiled at her as she tested the water with her hand for me.

"Okay, what? Why are you smiling at me?" She asked, I walked over to her grabbing her face.

"I love you that's all"

"I love you too Andrea, so much"



He was the cutest baby ever oh my goodness!

Paget is gonna be the best mommy ever 🥺

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