Chapter Nine

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October 10th, 2007
'Seven Seconds'
Criminal Minds - Stage 8

Today we are doing a table read for our new episode, a very simple and easy day, well at least that's what I thought coming into work today. Something felt off and awkward a little.

As I was walking around set, I noticed a few people giving me sideway looks. I finally caught Kirsten by the snack table, she looked at me with wide eyes.

"You're here?!" I looked at her confused.

"Uh yeah..? We have a table read today."

"Yeah but with everything going on I thought you would stay home.."

"What's going on?"

"You haven't seen the news..?"

"No?" She sighed and sat her plate down.

"Come on let's go to my trailer" she grabbed my arm and we made our way to her trailer. I sat on the couch while she grabbed her computer.

"So, this morning or late last night there were some pictures that were released regarding you and AJ.."

"No.. Please tell me you're joking?"

"I wish I was sweetie" I jumped up and started pacing my thumbs immediately going to my mouth. "When did y'all happen?"

"It kinda just happened! One night she was upset after fighting with Nate and I invited her over for drinks and food, she spent the night but nothing happened. Then I started having dreams about kissing her and one night she came over and it happened... We kissed then I left for New York and she came with me. I mean we did hold hands and kiss in public but we were always out at night. We were so careful! I don't understand, where is she?"

"Oh honey.. She's not here.. I haven't seen or talked to her all morning." I grabbed my phone trying to call her but there was no answer. I sat back down on the couch and placed my head in my hands. There were so many things running through my head. I felt lost.

"What am I going to do?" Kirsten came and sat beside me wrapping an arm around my shoulders. I lean my head on her shoulder.

"Do you really like her?"

"I think I love her honestly.. Everything just clicks with her and I know it shouldn't because she's married and I'm still new here.. I have to leave.." I said getting up. "I'm gonna head out for the day okay?"

"Okay, you call me if you need me okay?"

"Ok Kirsten thank you!" I grabbed my purse and left all but running to my car. I kept calling AJ on my way home. After calling her twenty times she finally picks up.

"Hello? AJ?"


"Hey.. Where are you?"

"At a hotel.. I couldn't stay at my house.."

"Come to my place please..?"

"Okay.." we stayed silent then she hung up. I sighed throwing my phone into the passenger side seat.



Once I finally made it home, AJ's car was already there. I grabbed my stuff and went inside heading up. I heard the TV once I walked inside. I put my stuff on the hall table and kicked my shoes off before padding into the living room. I climbed over the couch and settled down behind AJ.

"I'm sorry.. I didn't think this was going to happen."

"Me either.. We were so careful.."

"So.. What do we do now?" I place my chin on her shoulder sighing.

"Well.. I have to wait until Nate gets back home and we have to talk about things then you and I have to figure out our relationship.."

"I think you should stay with Nate.. I don't want to ruin your marriage and I know that you don't want that either. I'm just the new girl.." she pulls back and turns towards me.

"I know but.. My feelings for you have gotten deeper and not because of all the things you buy me or do for me it's because of the attention you give me. The way you always want to talk to me or be around me. The way you call me Andrea when everybody else even Nate calls me AJ. It's how you know all the movies I was in even the small roles. It's everything you do Paget.." I stare down at her chewing on my lip.

"I care about you a lot AJ but I don't want to break up a marriage, that's not what I wanted. Maybe we should just be friends... I mean the pictures weren't that bad, we can brush them off as us being close friends..."

"Is that what you want?" She asked quietly.

"No but it's probably for the best right now.. Maybe we should just stick to seeing each other around set for a little bit.." she sat up and I did the same. She wrapped her arms around herself.

"So you want to end this..?" I sighed running a hand through my hair.

"Not really but I also don't want to be a home wrecker.. I mean we can try again when things calm down and you figure things out with Nate but I can't and will not be that person." She got up and started pacing. I sat there and watched not saying a word.

"I just want to say that I don't regret anything we did.. I have strong feelings for you and I care about you. You make me happy and you make me feel safe." She stopped walking and stood in front of me. She placed her hands on my shoulders while mine went to her hips pulling her close. "I want us to happen.. Whether it's now or later on down the road. We will have our chance" I pull her down into my lap, her thighs on either side of me.

"Okay baby.. I believe you and I'll wait as long as I can.." she grabbed my face leaning down.

"Good now let's have the best sex of our lives because we both know we won't get this chance again"

"Mmm lets" I wrap my arms around her waist standing up, she giggles as I kiss on her neck. I make my way to my room where we would be spending the rest of the day and night making love to one another.


Welp looks like the cat is out of the bag! 🥴

How will our girls behave not being able to touch one another?

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