Chapter Thirteen

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July 22nd, 2008
Los Angeles, California
6729 East Harvard Street

It's AJ's birthday today. We were throwing a get together at Shemar's house since he basically has a bachelor pad with everything you needed to throw a party.

AJ's pregnancy has been going good so far, she's having a boy and we are over the moon excited about it. Our relationship has been doing well too. We told Erica and Jeff about us and they were so sweet about it. We both get to keep our jobs, we just have to try to keep our love out of the storylines.

Shemar and I are standing by the grill when I see Nate walk in. I wasn't expecting him to show up. I tried to play it cool and not let anyone see me react because did I fail to mention that the cast doesn't know yet?

I watch as he walks over to AJ pulling her into a hug. I have to admit they do look really good together..

"Hey guys! I want you to meet my friend Steve!" Matthew said walking over to us. I noticed his friend immediately. He was different and looked much younger than me.

"Hi, I'm Steve"

"Paget" I replied shaking his hand. They stood with us as Shemar finished cooking. I was having a good time with Steve but my heart is still with AJ. I'm bisexual if you haven't figured that out yet. Steve and I just, clicked.


I haven't spoken to AJ all night. She's been hanging with Nate and I understand that they have to keep up the act but it's kind of hurting me.. I go inside the house to use the bathroom when I hear voices coming from Shemar's living room. I immediately realize it's AJ and Nate.

"Nate, I can't.. I know we are still married but I have feelings for someone else okay? You know that.."

"I know AJ, but I miss you.. We can work things out. Just give me another chance to prove myself.."

"I don't know Nate, I need time to think about everything. We can't keep going back and forth."

"I understand. I still love you, I hope you remember that. No matter what you chose to do." I heard them get quiet so I peeked around the corner. My heart broke when I saw them kissing. Her arms wrapped around his neck. I leaned back against the wall before grabbing my things leaving.


"Hey, where's Paget?" I asked Matthew as I came back outside looking around for her. I know she's probably mad that I haven't hung out with her all night. But with Nate showing up I had to parade around with him.

"Uh, I last seen her going into the house but after that I don't know. Where's Nate?" I pulled my phone out sending her a text.

"He, uh. He's going to Utah to see about his mom" I said trying to lie about the situation.

"I hope she's okay" I was barley listening to him as I tried to get Paget to respond to me. I stepped away and looked outside for her car. I didn't see and I frowned. I dialed her number but it went straight to voicemail. I went back to the patio to tell everyone bye. I told them the baby was making me sick.

I tried not to speed on my way to her place. It started raining on my way over there and it made me even more frustrated because everyone started going slow. Once I made it I jumped out walking quickly inside. I nodded at the doorman and made my way upstairs to her place.

I used my key to get inside. I heard laughing coming from the living room. I walked slowly into the room, rain dripping from my jacket and hood.

"Hey, what's going on?" Paget and the guy who I now realize is Steve, turns their heads towards me.

"Hey, uh what are you doing here?" She said jumping up to come over to me. She tries to touch my arm and I jerk away from her.

"Nothing. Doesn't matter. I have to go" I turn away from her and walk away going into the hallway of the apartments. I lean my head back against the wall trying to keep the tears from falling. I hear her door open then the smell of her perfume.

"Where's Nate?" She asks standing in front of me with her arms crossed.

"Fuck if I know, he left to Utah already. What are you doing with Steve?!" I say trying to keep my voice down.

"Hanging out, is that a crime?"

"I'm not sure if you realize but I'm your girlfriend!"

"You kissing Nate says otherwise Andrea!" I threw my hands up as I stepped away from the wall to get away from her.

"HE WAS SAYING GOODBYE! If you would've stayed you would've heard my decision, obviously you know what he said. I told him that I was in love with you. That I wanted you as my son's second mother."

"Andrea, I didn't-"

"Of course you didn't. You run away to sleep around with Matthew's friend! Please don't try to contact me outside of work. We are over Paget, have a good night with Steve" I turned and walked away as quickly I could getting on the elevator. Once I made it to my car I let the tears fall.

The rain and thunder covered up my sobs. I lost two people in one day. I rode in silence the whole way home. I slept on the couch that night. I didn't want to sleep in my room because it reminded me of Nate and I couldn't go to the guest room because it still smelled like Paget and the bed was covered in our scent from hours of love making.

I had to figure things out before the baby comes..


OKAY HI, I'm back with this book 🥴

I apologize for the long absence! I'm going to try and update this book as much as I can.


SO STEVE, he made an appearance.. 👀 how are we feeling, yay or nay? Let me hear feedback!

Should AJ and Paget be endgame?

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