Chapter Nineteen

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WARNING: RATED M. End of chapter.


Once we got back to my parents house, we took all the groceries back inside. The rest of the family had finally arrived and the house was live with action. Mekhai was being passed around as Paget and I helped in the kitchen. I could tell she was nervous now that everyone was here.

"You know, you don't have to be nervous.. They won't bite." I whisper into her ear as we stand next to each other at the kitchen counter. My mom had us cutting up fruit for the fruit platter.

"Once again, yes I do. You're the baby.." I roll my eyes. This is why I hate being the youngest. Nobody thinks I'm allowed to grow up and have a life.

"As long as you're treating me right, that's all that matters. My mom brags about you too much for them to hate you." We hear Mekhai let out a cry before my brother Nate is bringing him into the kitchen. Paget stops what she's doing and goes over, taking him.

"What's wrong buddy? Is it nap time already?" I smile as I watch her bounce him gently in her arms. She's such a good mother. It makes my heart swell. I'm hoping she asks me to marry her soon.. I know it's kinda of a rush but she's my soulmate, she's the one I needed.

"Why don't you take him upstairs? We can finish down here."

"You sure?"

"I'm positive baby but give me a kiss first" I see her eyes widen a little bit as she looks around for anybody else. She walks over to me and leans down a little pressing a kiss against my lips.

"Ooooh! Mom they're making out!" My brother Paul says as he walks into the kitchen. I grab a strawberry throwing it at him.

"Shut up!" Paget blushes and walks away going upstairs. "Why would you say that dork? She's already nervous as it is" I finish the fruit platter up, 20 minutes later, before heading upstairs to my old bedroom where we are sleeping.

When I walk into the room, I see Paget and Mekhai asleep on the bed. He's curled up on her chest, his little butt in the air as they both sleep quietly. I slowly back out of the room, going back downstairs.

"Is Paget coming?" My mom asks once I make it into the dining room.

"Uh no, she's asleep upstairs with Mekhai and I rather not risk waking him up." Before we ate, we said a prayer, like we always do.

"So, tell us about Paget?" my Aunt Lisa asked as we sat around eating.

"Well, she's an actress just like me, on Criminal Minds, we met back in November of 2006. It was her first day on set. I've known about her before and yes I did kinda have a crush on her. But once she got there.. Things just clicked. She's older by 8-9 years, give or take."

"Well, she's really beautiful. I see the chemistry you guys have on the show and I know why y'all are together. It radiates off of you girls. Love looks really good on you" I send a smile her way. She was honestly one of the people I was worried about. Probably about 15 minutes later, Paget comes walking into the dining room holding a sleeping Mekhai.

"Uh hi" she says as she sees everyone. She's so cute, I can't stand it. The way she is on tv is so different than how she is in real life. She's such an introvert.

"Well, hello Paget. It's nice to finally put a face to a name. AJ spoke highly of you." She sits down and I get up, going to make her a plate. I can already hear my family firing off questions at her.

"Here you go" I said sitting her plate down, I carefully grab Mekhai from her so she can eat.

"How does it feel to be a mother, Paget?" My uncle Steve asked.

"Oh, it's amazing. He has grown so much already. Watching him learn the little things in life is amazing. He recently discovered that he can make spit bubbles. So don't wear any good clothes around him." They all chuckle. A smile lives on my face as we sit around talking and sharing stories, it's mostly my family doing that. Paget found out some pretty embarrassing stuff.


We called it a night around 9:30, as we were walking upstairs, my aunt Lisa stopped us.

"Hey, your uncle and I wanna give you and Paget our hotel suite. We know how hard it is for new parents to get time alone so.. We are offering it to you." You know we said yes. We kissed Mekhai goodnight and grabbed our things heading out.


When we arrived to the hotel room, we were amazed by the design and look of it. You could see into the bathroom from the bedroom. We had a wall of windows that overlooked the woods.

We laid down on the bed letting out a sigh. Not having Mekhai for the night was amazing. My family wanted to watch him, so we let them.

"This feels amazing" Paget said, after we laid there for about 10 minutes cuddled up. I couldn't wait to get my hands on her. I had packed our strap-on into my bag to use on her. We haven't really had sex so, tonight, we are going crazy.

"It does, doesn't it?" I said sitting up straddling her thighs. Her hands come up and rub against my thighs, squeezing here and there. I stared down at her as her thumbs started getting closer to my lower region. I licked my lips watching her hands.

I sighed quietly when she pressed them against my vagina. I felt a flood of wetness coming out of me. She gets me turned on so fast.

"Come on, let's shower first" she said sitting up. I grabbed her face, pulling her into a kiss. I started grinding against her, her belt buckle rubbing against me.

"No, make me cum Paget" I whisper against her lips. She growls quietly, her hands gripping my waist as I grind faster. I swallow hard when I feel my stomach tighten.

"Fuck you're so sexy Andrea. Make yourself cum for me, I wanna see you cum" I throw my head back and her mouth attacks my neck, sucking at my pulse point.

"Fuck, I'm going to cum Paget!" My hands go down and grip her shoulders. I grind faster, between the fabric and her belt buckle, I will arrive soon.

"Yes, cum for me Andrea. Let everyone hear you scream my name" I grind a few more times before I grab her face in a kiss cumming hard. As I keep grinding, another orgasm courses through me.

"FUCK YES PAGET!" I feel her bite lightly at my neck as I cum. I shudder pulling back from her.

"That was so hot" she says staring at me with dark eyes. I blush a little, because I've never cum like that before. I felt like a virgin all over again. I have a thing for dry humping now, especially with her.

"Come on, let's shower"


OOUUU, Andrea is such a horn dog for Paget 🥵 can she dry hump me or is that asking for too much? 👀👀😅

Stay tuned for AJ topping Paget 😈 I'm going to have her go crazy and slut Paget out.

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