"I love you too Andrea"


Oh my God, I can't believe I'm finally about to become a mom! I've been waiting on this for a while now , I know 43 is kind of an old age to decide to want to grow a baby but I'm healthy and ready for this pregnancy. AJ has been amazing through this whole process, from start to finish. Always making sure I'm comfortable, catering to my needs so I don't stress myself and making sure everyone on set knew. That's another thing, the cast and crew have been so amazing helping me around the set and treating me like a Queen.

The last few years of our marriage have been amazing, we got our first house together, that we will probably live in forever.

"Mommy!!" I hear Mekhai yell as I walk into the living room.

"Hey baby! Did you miss me?" I go over and sit down with him on the floor. He climbs into my lap and I lean back against the couch.

"Yes, baby?"

"Yes, I'm growing a baby"

"They play with toys?"

"No baby, they can't play with you yet" I played with him until about 6 o'clock. I got up and went upstairs to shower and get ready for everyone to come over. I couldn't wait to tell everyone. We are holding off telling the public until after the baby is born, so I'm pretty much going into hiding. We are doing that to keep me out of harms way especially with my age, I don't need the stress and judgement I know will come my way.


Everyone was finally at our house and it was filled with volume. Shemar and Kirsten were in the backyard while he grilled, Thomas and Joe sat on the couch we had out there talking to each other about a golf tournament. Me, Paget, and Matthew were inside finishing the salad.

"So, when are you due?" He asked out of nowhere. We looked at him with wide eyes.

"W-what do you mean?" He chuckles.

"Come on, I can tell you're pregnant Paget. I play a genius on the show but I've learned a few things from it. So..?"

"December 1st, we were gonna tell you guys tonight during dinner so don't tell anyone" he came over and pulled Paget into his arms.

"Congratulations you guys! That's so exciting, I'm so happy for you guys" we talked some more until everyone started coming inside so we could eat and catch the episode. As we were eating dinner, Paget looked at me and I nodded. She cleared her throat and stood up.

"So, we have an announcement to make" she said grabbing everybody's attention. Everyone got quiet and looked at her, "I'm pregnant!!" She said. Kirsten was the first one up, coming around to give her a hug.

"AHHH, I knew it! Oh my God! This is so exciting!"

"When are you due?" Thomas asked after everything calmed down.

"December 1st, I'm 7 weeks and 4 days along" 

"Did you know your baby is the size of a blueberry?" Matthew said. Paget and I smiled at each other. That's gonna be our nickname for the baby now.


Everyone ended up staying the night at our house, of course. Shemar and Kirsten sharing of course and then everyone else had their own room well Matthew had to sleep with Mekhai after he begged for him to sleep in his room. Seeing him trying to sleep in Mekhais' bed is hilarious.

AJ was downstairs cleaning up while I was in our room getting ready for bed. I stared at myself in the full length mirror we had looking at my stomach, I could see my stomach sticking out a little, I was wondering why my pants would barley zip up.

I was sitting in bed when AJ finally came upstairs. She went into the bathroom and started getting ready for bed. I leaned back against the headboard listening to her shower as I read a message pregnancy book.

"Hey" she said coming back into the room, now ready for bed.

"Hi" I placed my book down as she climbed into the bed, laying between my legs. Her head on my stomach. I run my fingers through her hair.

"It's going to be weird not being on set everyday"

"I know. It's going to be lonely in the trailer now. Who's gonna make sure I have kettle chips all the time?" I chuckle.

"I'll still come see you baby, y'all aren't getting rid of me that easy. Do you want a boy or girl?"

"I would love to see a little Paget running around honestly. You were cute as a baby"

"I was an ok baby but you were the cutest honestly." She sits up and comes up so we are face to face, I scoot down a little so I'm more comfortable. I grab her face. I stare into her eyes smiling softly. I can't believe I'm married to her most days. I wake up and just stare while she's asleep until she wakes up and catches me.

"You're beautiful, do you realize that?" I blush.

"You're beautiful too, so beautiful. I love everything about you" she holds herself up on her left arm as her right hand starts sliding up my body. It slips under my shirt, touching my stomach which is now housing our first child together.

"I should be saying this to you my love. You're the one with the most amazing glow on your face. The full lips, the rose cheeks. The fullness of your breast.. You're absolutely stunning Paget" I feel tears coming to my eyes as she talks to me.

"Make love to me Andrea, I need to feel you" she leans down until our lips are inches away from each other. I breathe against them as her hand slides up more until it's resting underneath my breast. They're sensitive but not sore yet. "Touch me"

"With pleasure"


AH, PAGET IS PREGNANT 😩🥺 Jesus I wish there was a way to recreate my stories so we could see this play out.

Who should be the godparents? And should I include Aisha into this story? Like have her start the show instead of Jeanne?

Comment what you wanna see in the last few chapters of this book!

Hope you're enjoying!

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