Unknown Love pt.1

Start from the beginning

So you noticed huh

Of course I noticed, I notice everything and anything about you

Then you should know that I'm quite annoyed that I don't know who you are

I did notice that, plus I heard you telling and showing Minghao everything. In response Minghao told you not to text me anymore yet here you are texting me.

I roll my eyes at the last sentence.

Rolling your eyes because you know you lied to your best friend.

He's watching me as we text.

I quickly look around the classroom, in search of his eyes.
But I didn't meet them.

I turn my attention back to my phone.

I didn't lie, I really had no intention of texting you back.

As soon as I sent that text Minghao nudged my side.

"Are you texting that person?" He quietly asks

I quickly put my phone down and quietly answered back with shame "Yeah..."

Minghao sighed "I told you not to, he's probably a creep. He's probably even lying that he's in this class."

I lean forward towards Minghaos ear and whisper "he's differently in this class, he heard and saw me telling you everything."

I lean back in my chair and see Minghaos eyes wondering around the classroom.

"I don't know who it might be, just block the number."

"I wanna know who it is though because they seem to notice a lot of things about me." I protest

Minghao sighs because he knows I won't back down. "Just promise me you won't do anything stupid or dangerous."

"I promise." I smile brightly

Just then the bell rings which causes us students to start packing up.

"We're still on this afternoon, right?" Minghao asks as we walk out of class

"Yeah, totally." I smile

"Great, then let me get my painting from art class before we leave." Minghao says as we continue to walk

I hum in response and follow Minghao to his art class.

"I'll wait for you out here." I say to Minghao as soon as arrive front of his art class

Minghao nods and smiles "I'll be back in a minute." He says before walking into the classroom

I watch Minghao walk into the classroom then lean against the lockers.

I space out until my phone buzzes in my pocket. I take out my phone and click on the text from the same person.

What's your plans with Minghao?

Stalker much?

Haha only for you

"Is he joking?" I think to myself as I keep rereading the text

Did I scare you?

As soon as I'm done reading the latest text, I hear Minghao.

"Alright let's go." He smiles brightly but his smile drops as soon as he sees my shocked expression

"What's wrong? Is it that unknown person?" he quickly asks

I nod then show him the text

"Do you really think he stalks me?" I ask

Minghao stays quiet for a moment "I hope not, but let's hurry up and go home."

I nod then Minghao quickly grabs a hold of my hand then we start walking out of the school building.

My felt better as soon as Minghao held my hand.

As we walk outside, I see Minghao looking around. He's looking for my "stalker".

Minghao quickly opens the car door to let me in whenever we arrive to his car. We both quickly get in and Minghao starts driving to his house.

As Minghao drives he keeps looking in the rear view mirror, to see if there is anyone following us but luckily no one is.

We arrive to his house and go inside.

"I'm so tired." I say as we walk into his room

"You can take a nap but first you have to change. You can't put outside germs on my clean bed." Minghao jokes as opens one of his drawers

"Yeah yeah I know the drill." I say

Minghao then hands me one his baggy long t-shirts.

"I'll step out so you can change." Minghao says then starts walking towards the door

"You act like you haven't seen my naked before." I tease

Minghao quickly turns around and smirks
"Fine, then change." He says as he leans against the wall

"Yah I was just kidding!" I yell and throw a pillow at him

"Yeah that's what I thought" Minghao says while laughing then leaves the room

As soon as I put his shirt on and take off my pants, I feel my phone buzz in my pants pocket.

"Again" I say annoyed, referring to the unknown person texting me

I take out my phone and click on the message.

It looks like I scared you and Minghao haha. But I swear I don't stalk you, I just happen to look at you often.

Up Coming Part 2

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