To Su-hyeokie

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Su-hyeok, who became one of the group's frontliner, has also been hurting. It was obvious that he is the closest to Hyun-jin. And he was also the closest to Hye-ji, that was, before Dong-min happened at least.

He was a loner. He was actually bullied back then. He was the typical victim of the bullies. He was fat, he is not smart, and other things like that. But out of everyone around their school, the female Hwang had chose to be his friend.

After he and Hye-ji got closer, he also got closer to Hyun-jin, and then their other friend, Cheong-san. And then Wu-jin, who was always with the twins, especially Hye-ji, back then.

When they grew older, Hye-ji had took notice that Myung-hwan's group is keeping themselves close to Su-hyeok. Well, Su-hyeok had changed, physically speaking. But deep inside, Hye-ji still sees him as this cute little boy that became her first ever best friend.

She tried warning him about the group of bullies, but then Dong-min came. Slowly, Dong-min was pulling Hye-ji away form her friends, specially Su-hyeok, as Dong-min was very suspicious of their 'friendship'. 

Well everyone was, there were rumors that the two were dating. The two are always sweet to each other, from holding hands while walking, to numerous hugging, and the fact that they are almost as inseparable as the Hwang twins themselves. But those were all shut down when the news of Dong-min and Hye-ji dating came.

Because there was no one else to tell him to keep away from the bullies, considering Hyun-jin is busy as a student council member, Su-hyeok became one of the bullies. 

Hyun-jin wasn't the best in time management back then. So he had decided to focus on his task as a student council member, and his slowly dropping grades. He knew that Su-hyeok won't let anything happen to Hye-ji. And he trusted Dong-min. Which is why he didn't realize Su-hyeok getting into the dark side, it was until someone reported Su-hyeok as a bully and he saw the report on the student council office, that he knew everything was fucked up.

Hyun-jin had reminded himself to talk to Su-hyeok tomorrow, considering that it's already 5:00 PM and Hye-ji was not feeling well, and he wanted to take care of his sister.

It was the same day that he saw Dong-min with another girl in an alley (chap7).

Su-hyeok can still remember how Hyun-jin cried to him the next day.


It was already dark outside when Su-hyeok heard a knock on his door. He is not expecting anyone, it can't be his parents, who can it be?

He was shocked to see Hyun-jin when he opened the door. He haven't been able to talk to Hyun-jin after joining Myung-hwan's little group of bullies.

"Why are you here? What do you want?" Su-hyeok asked with a strong aura surrounding him. But what happened next is not what he was expecting.

Hyun-jin was right there, standing in front of him, crying. "Yah, what's your problem?" Su-hyeok asked, holding the Hwang's shoulder and pulling him inside.

When he had sat the crying Hyun-jin down on the couch, he ran to the kitchen to get water for the crying Hwang.

"Here. Drink." He said, as he pat Hyun-jin's shoulder. It was long ago when they last talked, so Su-hyeok is feeling awkward. The fact that he is a bully and right in front of him is a student council member, made it worse.

When Hyun-jin had calmed down, Su-hyeok sighed. "So? Why are you here? Why are you crying? You can't be running from home, so why?" He asked.

His eyes widen when Hyun-jin didn't answer. "You fucker?! Did you really ran from home?!" Su-hyeok asked, surpised, and Hyun-jin immediately shook his head.

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