Chapter 17

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3rd person's POV

Su-hyeok and Hyun-jin were talking when Cheong-san approached them. "What happened? Didn't Gwi-nam fall from the fourth floor?" He asked Su-hyeok.

"Yeah, I threw him off." Su-hyeok answered. "So how did he manage to survive?" Cheong-san asked. "Maybe he doesn't die. He comes back to life." Su-hyeok concluded.

"He's not a human nor a zombie. Do you remember that girl from the teacher's office?" He asked, looking at Hyun-jin before looking back at Su-hyeok. Su-hyeok and Hyun-jin both nodded.

"He's like her, isn't he?" He asked, facing Hyun-jin. "You could be right." Hyun-jin responded. "Maybe Hye-ji is the same." Cheong-san concluded, making the two guys in front of him to look at the female Hwang who is standing with Nam-ra. The others are keeping a safe distance from her.

Though Wu-jin and On-jo are comfortable with Hye-ji, they are currently working with the others in looking around the rooftop for something that can make an SOS sign.

"She'll be okay." Hyun-jin told the two, more of reassuring himself than the two with him. "You can't guarantee that'll happen." Cheong-san said. 

"We can't guarantee anything right now, can we?" Hyun-jin told him. "We don't even know if we're gonna live." Su-hyeok continued.

Hyun-jin then put an arm on their shoulders, guiding the two towards the others. "Let's go make an SOS sign."


The group had now finished making their SOS sign. Surprisingly, they actually did a pretty good job in making an SOS sign.

The others were now starting a fire, Hye-ji was leaning at the end of the rooftop, watching her friends. Nam-ra is standing a little closer to the group.

After seeing the group struggling, Hye-ji approached Nam-ra, snaking a hand on her waist. "Do you have your lighter?" She whispered. Nam-ra just looked at her.

"Come on, I know you still smoke. It's okay, I'm sure you're still trying to stop it." She smiled at the girl who nodded, looking down, before getting the lighter out of her pockets.

Nam-ra was giving Hye-ji the lighter but the female Hwang shook her head. "You give it to them." Hye-ji encouraged the class president. She wants Nam-ra to make friends. 

She nodded, taking a step forward. "Hey." No one looked at her so she looked back at Hye-ji. The female Hwang mouthed 'go on' with a nod.

"Hey!" This time she got their attention. "Just use this." She said, handing them the lighter. The others gave her confused looks.

"Well I smoke sometimes." She said, making Hyun-jin raise his right eyebrow. He knows his sister doesn't like the smell of cigarette smoke, so he was shocked to know that Nam-ra smokes. Nam-ra saw this making her add, "I'm trying to stop it though."

Hyun-jin nodded. "Yeah, Hye-ji hates the smoke from cigarette." He said, making Nam-ra nod, the others turn to him. "Oops. Did I say that out loud?" He said, scratching his neck in embarrassment.

"You had it this whole time." Wu-jin said, making Hye-ji smile. The looks on their faces was something she wants to frame. It was priceless. "You don't want it?" She asked, about to lower her hand. Su-hyeok acted quick, taking the lighter.

Hye-ji's POV

We are all sitting by the fire. It's relaxing. It was like we found a break after all those running. But we all know that this is far from being finished.

"Dae-su. How was your audition?" Su-hyeok asked. "They said I have to lose weight." He answered, making me frown. Dae-su is not fat, he's just chubby. "Well you're a good singer. Sing for us." Su-hyeok said, smiling at him.

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