Chapter Five-So close to Freedom,So close to Paradise to bad I can't have it

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Well looks like I have the day to myself yay! I hopped into the shower and then brushed my hair and put on some skinny jeans with a t-shirt. I walked downstairs and went into the kitchen first to get something to eat. I decided to make a sandwich as I sat down I looked at the clock it was in the afternoon I guess I could go to the library near Emerald Park. I got up and went to Eric's car I guess he wont mind I drove towards the library.

When I got to the library I went straight to the computers I wanted to find my parents I looked up the name Carter. A lot came up I looked through the names until I stopped at one 'Anna Carter' my heart warmed at that name. I had little hope that I found my mom but when I clicked her name nothing came up just a blank page. I looked her up again from many different sites but nothing came up nothing at all. I sighed in frustration and rubbed my eyes fighting the angry tears that pricked my eyes I wouldn't be able to find them and if I did it would take who knows how long.

I sighed as I calmed down I searched again under the name Carter it took hours until I found another name that sounded familiar 'James Carter'. I prayed that there would be something under the name but nothing was. I searched some more and I finally found something but it wasn't really useful it was just a date of birth and nothing else. What am I suppose to do with that!? And why wasn't there anything under these names? I guess Eric has to help me I cant seem to find anything on my parents. I looked out the window the sun is starting to set wow how long have I been on the computer?

I started to get another pain in the back of my head I winced and got up I needed to get medicine for these headaches. I went to the car so I go to the store when I reached the store my vision blurred I held my head in my hands and groaned. After a few minutes my vision came back and I slowly got out the car. I leaned against the car as I got another headache I looked towards the woods I felt a strange urge to go through the woods. I slowly made my way towards the woods I had no control of my body I tried to stop but I kept going.

Once I was pass the trees my headache got worse and my vision blurred again I stumbled over my feet but kept going. I then stopped and leaned against a tree I slid down to the ground and held my head in my hands and groaned. I don't know why I came into the woods I had no control of my body it felt someone was controlling it like someone was calling me towards the woods if that makes sense. I groaned again as I tried to get up suddenly every movement hurt so I decided not to move. I then heard a snap close to the left of me.

My head snapped in that direction nothing showed at first but then I saw him relief came over me that it wasn't Damien. But fear quickly returned it was one of his advanced skilled second in command it was John. I wondered why he didn't send Mike he was a higher rank than John and a little more dangerous he usually sent him after me if I escaped for a long time. I quickly stood up and back into the tree I slowly realized why I had a lot of headaches. In fact they weren't actually headaches it was because of John he was tracking me!

John and Mike were the best trackers because of their dangerous gifts but I couldn't wrap my head around the fact he sent John and not Mike. When John spoke I immediately focused on him "Well hello Annabel" he smirked darkly. "J..John" I stumbled "Look at you you look beautiful" his eyes raked up and down my body I shivered disgusted. "You drove Damien crazy he has been in hell trying to find you" he shook his head as if I should be ashamed but I wasn't. "Good then" I snapped his eyes narrowed "Watch your mouth" he warned in a low voice then he appeared in my face. I gasped as I pushed myself closer into the tree "You don't want to get in trouble do you?" he smirked and brushed his lips against mine.

I moved my face away from him but he forced me to face him again he held my chin tightly "W..what you want?" I demanded. "What do you think I want to take you back to Damien" he chuckled his free hand went up my thigh I pushed his hand away. "Don't touch me" I spat "I said watch your mouth" he hissed . "I can see why he is so obsessed with you..." he said "You smell delicious and you look so beautiful.....I wonder what you taste like" he sniffed my neck. There was a double meaning to his last words and bile rose up in my throat. "You disgust me...all of you do" I said bluntly my face curled in disgust "Last warning" he growled "Watch your mouth" his eyes narrowed mine did the same.

I stayed still as he inched his face closer to mine "You know it was really difficult to find you" he whispered in my ear. "Your scent was basically masked by the wolves or just disappeared so I had to find you the other way..." I held breath as he sniffed my neck again.

Before he could speak again I pushed him off me with all my strength he stumbled a little obviously surprised but I already took off back towards the car before he could catch himself. Once I got in the car I stumbled with the seatbelt I cursed under my breath as I heard a sharp tap on my window. "You wont get away from me Annabel" he chuckled I pushed down on the gas and just kept speeding until I reached the car's limit.

I sighed in relief when the store faded away from the rear view mirror after a few more miles I finally slowed down. I didn't noticed that I was gripping the steering wheel until I looked at my knuckles they were pale and my hands cramped. I slowly relaxed my hand s and steadied my breathing my eyes kept glancing at the mirror afraid he'll show up before I could get to the pack house.

The ride seemed to take forever I was getting anxious the longer I was away from Eric and the more I think that John might be following me. Once I reached the house I was relieved I had to slow my pace several times as I walked towards the door. Well more like run really my eyes darted everywhere as I made my way towards the house.

The door opened before I could reach the handle and I found myself in Eric's arms relief and comfort immediately rushed through me. "Where were you?" he asked I looked at him I could tell he was worrying about me. "I'm fine I just went to the library near the park" I smiled trying to hide the fear and anxiety the best I can.

"I wanted to try to find something about my parents" I said "Did you find anything?" he asked "Sadly no" I frowned. "It's okay I can help you if you want" he offered I eagerly shook my head yes he smiled my favorite sexy smile. "Alright we'll start looking whenever you want to" he said "Come on" he gestured inside the house. As we walked in I quickly looked behind me I hoped John didn't follow me I was so close to freedom, so close to paradise to bad I can't have it.


Yay! I finished the chapter I hope you guys liked it it was my favorite so far. Sorry if it was everywhere I tried to fix that the best I could but it seemed like it didn't work but I still like this chapter. Please tell me what you think and please.........




Thank You! :-)

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