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"Yes! Im finally free!"

Mei said and jumped in joy. Her three day jail time was finally over. She can finally go outside.

"Mom, im going out" she said and began walking to the door.
"Mhm. I see that you're trying to enjoy your freedom. Dont go breaking doors again okay?"
"Yea, mom, bye"

She closed the door behind her and took in a deep breath.
"Finally free" she said to herself.

"Free? Were you locked in or something?"

She looked beside her and there she saw herself. She screamed and punched the person in front of her.

The person changed back to their original form. It was a boy. He was taller than her, had very curly hair, and was wearing a yellow poncho.

"Oww. Why'd you do that for?" He asked, rubbing his cheek to ease the pain.

Mei didnt know what to say. She went silent for a moment.

"Uhh... did you just..."
"Shapeshift? Yes i did and id do it again" he said and shapeshifted back into mei and posed with pride.

"Uhh... please dont do that ever again"
The boy looked at mei with a confused face.
"The shapeshifting into me part"
"Oh okay"

He changed back into himself and introduced himself.

"Hola, my name is camilo madrigal. Nice to meet you" he said and grinned
"Hola, im Meilin lee. Nice to meet you too" she said and shook his hand.
"Say... are you new here?" He said as he leaned closer to examin her face.

Mei gently pushed him away as he continued to stare at her hair. She wasnt surprised by what he said.
"Yea, we arrived here a couple days ago. Maybe a week ago, i forgot"
Camilo hummed and mei started to get annoyed with the staring.

"Why is your hair red?" He asked
"Genetic stuff"
"Ohh... then why are your parents' hair are both black?"
He said and pointed at a window.

Mei saw her parents peeking through the window. They were watching her having a conversation with camilo.

"Mom!" She said and blushed a little out of embarrassment. Her panda ears appeared and she tried to cover them up but ended up making her tail appear.

Camilo got surprised and wanted to touch her ears.

"Whoa... you can also shapeshift?" He said and reached out for her panda ear.

Before he could touch them, Ming yelled at camilo.
"And what do you think you're doing, young man?" She yelled and glared at camilo.

He slowly put his hand down and apologized to her and to mei.

"Dont you ever get near my daughter from now on, got that?" Ming said.
"Yes maam" camilo said and nodded.

"I guess i wont be seeing you more often. Bye, mei" he said went on with his day.

Mei looked at her mom with a straight face.

"You didnt have to do that, mom"
"Im just worried about you thats all"
"I know, mom" her straight face turned into a small smile.
"Im gonna go now. Bye"

She started walking and noticed a familiar woman wearing a familiar dark dress. She started following her. She didnt really know why though. 'Why do i feel like a stalker?' She thought to herself.

The woman kept making turns and she eventually lost her. 'Well, that was a sort of fun goose chase. I hope she didnt notice me following her around earlier'

Just then, she noticed vines crawling from a corner. 'This is weird'

She felt a presence behind her.


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