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Third Person POV

Mickey and Alice decided that the cover story they were going to use was that Alice and Mickey were going to go on a vacation that was already paid for by Carlise and Esme.

Mickey already knew that Charile would let him since one: he doesn't really have a choice since Mickey is eighteen and two: Charlie likes Alice and knows that she wouldn't let Mickey do something irresponsible.

When Alice pulled up into his driveway Mickey immediately got out her car and went into the house with Alice following him.

As soon as he got inside, he saw Charlie standing in the kitchen with his head in his hands. "Pops are you okay" Mickey asked and went to go comfort him but Alice stopped him and whispered in his ear "we don't have a lot of time; you go upstairs and get some clothes while I'll stay here and talk to Charlie".

Mickey gave Charlie a concerned look before he looked to Alice and gave her a nod then he ran upstairs and to his room and started packing.

After five minutes Mickey was done and he ran back downstairs and saw Alice comforting Charlie and once Alice saw Mickey she said to Charlie "don't worry, I'll take care of Mickey when we're there".

Alice then got up and went over to the front door while Mickey went up to Charlie and gave him a hug while saying "see you soon pops".

Charlie nodded, and they both let go before Charlie gave Mickey a pat on the shoulder and Mickey turned around and walked out the house with Alice.

Once they got into Alice's car she drove off and once they were a mile away from the house Mickey turned to her and asked the main two questions on his mind.

"How did he take me going away with you and why was upset when we first walked into the house" Mickey asked and Alice said "he was pretty okay with you and I going on a vacation with each other, he knew that you would be safe with me"

Alice paused slightly before she answered the next Queston "He was upset because Bella had made it to the house before us and said something pretty hurtful to him"

Mickey was pissed to say the least and it must have shown on his face because Alice said, "I know that face, don't do anything", "why not, she hurt my dad who by the way is also her dad" Mickey said.

"I know but she is on the run right now and so are you, you have other things to worry about then fighting with Bella" Alice said in a scolding manner and Mickey let out a sigh before mutter "alright".

The rest of the ride was pretty quiet only the occasionally humming from Mickey because he didn't like the silence was heard.

Time Skip

Finally, they got to the Cullen house and pulled into the driveway where the rest of the Cullens except Esme and Carlise where at.

Instead of fighting with Bella which was the first thing that came to Mickey mind which made Edward glare at him, he just sent her a little glare before he kept walking with Alice, Claire, Jasper, Rosalie and Emmet either right beside him or Infront of him.

Once they entered the house the vamps plus human as Mickey liked to call himself with the vampires he liked went into the garage and started grabbing stuff they would need.

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