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Third Person POV

Mickey sat on the couch in the living room, smoking, thinking about Alice and how she made him feel confused before he decided to ignore her all together. He was in such deep thought that he didn't even notice Bella coming down the stairs.

"You're going to stink up the house" Bella said angrily snapping out of his train of thought, Mickey didn't say anything he just gave her the finger as he got up.

Mickey walked to the kitchen and grabbed three beers, something he does every time he goes somewhere. One for the road, one for when he gets there, and one for when he is leaving. He walks outside to see Bella in his car and went to the drivers seat, "the hell you doing get out my car". Bella looked at him before saying "I don't want to be in this car anymore than you want me to be but dad said until he can change my tires I have to ride with you".

Mickey grumbled underneath his breath before he started the car. The whole trip was very silent the only thing playing was the radio. Mickey would catch Bella giving him disgusted looks every once in a while and it would piss him off to no end.

Once they got to school Bella started to wait till she saw Edward but he never showed and Mickey left to class.

Time Skip

Lunch time came and Mickey was getting his food when someone stepped beside him. "And I thought you wasn't gonna show up for school" Alice said and Mickey smirked before saying "believe me it wasn't my choice but it seems like I have to keep going to school until graduation".

Just like that Mickey's whole plan to ignore Alice Cullen went up into flames.

Alice giggled a little before saying sarcastically "the horror of it" and Mickey nodded his head in agreement. Mickey noticed that she wasn't getting any food so he grabbed an apple and gave it to her.

She looked confused so he said "I wouldn't want you to starve" before he walked away. He went to walk to his table when someone pulled his arm and dragged him to an empty table. "I want to get to know you" the person who dragged him away otherwise known as Alice said.

Mickey just rose his eyebrow at her before he asked "are you always this cheerful or is it just around me" and Alice replied "to be honest both". Mickey shook his head at her and gave her a tiny, barely noticeable smile before he asked "what do you want to know".

"Whatever you feel like sharing to me is a win to me so basically anything" Alice said and Mickey instantly thought about his bio dad but that thought washed away when he tried to think about happy memories.

He came up with a couple and told her them and she seemed so interested in them that it kinda made him feel guilty about putting on a front that made it seem like all he has is good memories. The lunch bell rang and since the discovery that they had the same class after lunch they walked with each other to the classroom.

They talked about random things that they liked and how Mickey's fashion sense is horrible. They walked into the classroom and ignored everyone's staring and continued to talk to each other till the teacher got to class.

Once the teacher got to class they stopped talking and started listening to what they had to do until some guy behind Mickey tapped his shoulder. Mickey turned around to look at the boy who tapped his shoulder and saw that the boy was staring at Alice in a weird predator lustful way.

It made Mickey blood boil and he didn't know why but it didn't matter right now. "How is she in bed, I mean she has to be amazing right" the boy spoke in a horrible way and from the corner of Mickey's eye he saw Alice stiffen.

Mickey got up and pulled Alice up with him and put her behind him and asked to the boy "what the fuck you just said to me shithead". The boy started to stutter looking for a way out of what he is in but before he can say a full sentence mickey punched him in the face.

Once the boy fall down mickey got on top of him and started throwing punches left and right. Mickey felt arms circle around him and pull him off of the boy and when he looked he saw it was the teacher.

He pushed the teacher off of him and got on top of the boy again and started kicking him but he was pulled away again. The teacher pulled him off the boy again and this time Alice got in front of him whispering to him "Mick, Mick it's okay, it's fine, I'm fine". Mickey calmed down and allowed himself to be hauled off to the office.

Time Skip

Mickey sat on one of the benches in the main office waiting for Charlie to pick him up when somebody sat next to him.

Mickey looked to his left and saw Alice sitting next to him. "Why did you do that, now your in trouble" Alice asked him and he replied "I'm not going to let some asshole talk about any girl like that, let alone you".

Alice beamed at him and then said "I told my family what you did for me and they said that they want to meet you tomorrow". Mickey looked shocked but nodded saying "I'll go but are you sure you want me there".

Alice beamed at him once more before saying "of course, I mean you protected me from that boy so it seems right" and Mickey chuckled at her before they both heard footsteps and looked up to see his dad walking into the main office.

"Guess that's my cue, I'll see you tomorrow" Mickey said before he got up and walked over to his dad. Let's just say he was in trouble for a millisecond until he told Charlie why he started that fight.

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