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Third Person POV

When the words left Alice's mouth Mickey was inflamed with fiery. He nearly teared up his cave home, but Alice stopped him just in time.

Though she didn't stop him from speeding out the home and going straight to the Cullen's house.

He didn't bother to stop and talk to any of the Cullens as he just went straight up to Carlise's office. "Look I get that he is your favorite son or whatever but forcing the entire family to move because of Edward's stupid ass is insane" Mickey yelled as he pushed Carlise's door open and slammed it shut after he walked in. 

Carlise sighed from behind his desk before he got up from his seat and said, "I don't have a favorite child and Edward didn't know that this was going to happen".

Mickey rolled his eyes and said, "well the way I see it this was one of the only things that was gonna happen, since he denied the first option when he chose to keep her human and remain dating her".

"He wanted her to have a human life" Carlise defended to which Mickey replied sarcastically "and in return threatens his own family and my life, well done should we give Eddie a pat on the back for having morals".

Carlise sighed while also hiding a smile that was trying to make its way on his face at the antics of the boy he looked at like a son.

"I know this is hard for you as you have both family with us and with Charlie so that's why you have a choice, but I need to know your decision now because I am already getting preparations now and I'm not changing my mind" Carlise said as he sat back down.

Mickey looked at him confused before he asked in a calmer tone "what do you mean". Carlise looked up from his computer and said, "well you are both human and vampire, you can easily blend in with the town unlike us, so you get a choice, you can stay here with your dad, or you can come with us and be with Alice".

"Alice can't stay here with me" Mickey asked with a shocked and angry look and tone to which Carlise put his hands up in a surrendering motion and said, "it's nothing against you or your relationship Mickey, I just can't leave any of my kids here, it would be suspicious, and Bella would try to do anything to get back into contact with Edward or the family".

At that point Mickey understood what Carlise was saying even if he didn't like what he was insinuating. It was a choice between his girl or his father, but he already knew what his choice was gonna be as heartbreaking as it was, he finally understood why that entire time after Alice had her vision, she looked like she would cry if she could, she also knew what he was going to choose.

"So, what is your choice Mickey" Carlise asked, and Mickey let out a sigh before he opened his mouth.

Time Skip

Mickey sat on his gaming chair in his bedroom staring out the window into the woods when he heard footsteps walk up the stairs. He listened as the footsteps came closer to his door before the door opened up.

He didn't bother to turn as he already knew who it was by the footsteps, but he did turn around when the person sat on his bed. He watched as Alice looked around the room making sure she didn't make eye contact with Mickey.

 Mickey got up from his chair and sat down next to her and grabbed her chin and made her look at him. They stared at each other for a couple of minutes before Mickey put his head down and said, "you knew, didn't you".

Alice nodded her head before she leaned it on his shoulder still staring at him. "I'm so sorry, I'm so, so sorry" Mickey whispered as his eyes watered. He continued to face the ground even when Alice cupped his face and turn him.

"Mickey, look at me" Alice said in a low voice and Mickey finally looked up and when he did, he saw that she was smiling. "It's okay Mickey, when I had my vision and I realized you wanted to stay it made me love you even more because it proves you still care about your old life".

Mickey gulped as he continued to look at Alice. "Why can't we just stay in contact we could continue our relationship, it would just be long distance" Mickey said sounding desperate, but he didn't care.

Alice smiled slightly as she said shaking her head "it wouldn't work we both know it". Mickey groaned loudly before he got up and walked around the room before he leaned on the wall with his arms crossed over his chest and he looked down and said, "I don't want you to go".

Alice smiled again before she got up and walked over to him. "I know baby, but this is the way it's meant to be, and I know that we will be together again, remember I can see the future".

Mickey rolled his eyes at Alice's attempt to joke but he did flash her a slight smile that instantly went back into a frown. Alice then leaned up and placed her lips on his and out of reflex Mickey wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer to his body.

He felt Alice smile into the kiss before she pulled away. She placed one more kiss on his lips before she completely pulled away from him.

She then walked towards Mickey's bedroom door and once she reached the doorway, she turned back towards him and gave him a smile and before Mickey knew it, she was gone.

Mickey watched the doorway for a couple of minutes though it felt like hours to him before he finally moved. He walked over to his bed and threw himself on the bed and covered his head with a pillow and willed himself to go to sleep hoping that this was just some sick dream.

It was not.

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