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Third Person POV

Mickey stayed up in his room for the next few days not socializing with anyone. He didn't know what to do or say. After Amelia dropped the pregnancy bomb on him, she ran away before he could question her.

He was a vampire. He was dead. Even if half of him is still human he died. There shouldn't be any sort of pregnancy going on but yet there is one. Part of him doubt that it was his for the obvious reasons but if he looked back to all the time they spent together, she wasn't with any other man other than him.

The Cullens being back also messed with his head too. After Alice and Bella went to save Edward a few days later the entire family returned. Mickey hasn't spoken to any of them just so he could avoid Alice and Carlise.

He is sure they all know about Amelia, but he didn't really feel the need to explain himself to them as they left him. Hearing his father's voice is what brought him out of his head, "Mick, we have to talk".

Groaning slightly Mickey called him in and Charlie walked through the door with a concerned look on his face. "Hey Kid, I just got off the phone with Paul Lahote, he told me about Amelia and how distraught she is" Charlie said as he sat in Mickey's chair that's across from his bed.

Mickey mumbled slightly but made no attempted to say anything which made Charlie sigh. "And I know that the Cullens are back which is also conflicting with what's going on up there" he said while pointing to Mickey's head.

"I'm just so confused and scared" Mickey mumbled out quietly, but Charlie was able to pick up on what he said and moved closer to Mickey while saying "well that's what happens with every teenage pregnancy, the confusion on how you could be so stupid and the feeling of being overwhelmed or scared because you don't know how your life is going to change but you know it is".

Mickey nodded his head in agreement to everything that Charlie said, and Charlie let out another sigh before saying softly "you need to be there for that girl, she is your biggest priority and once you tell her that then you go to the Cullens and let them know everything that going on. It's your choice if you want to let them back into your life or not but its better, they hear the news from you then anyone else".

"Your right" Mickey sighed before he got up from his spot on the bed and started to look for clothes.

Time Skip

Walking to the front porch Mickey let out a sigh before he went to knock but hearing crunching in the distance made him stop with his arm still raised. As he looked, he saw a beautiful pure white wolf staring at him.

"Amelia" Mickey asked with his eyebrows scrunched and the wolf bowed its head slightly. "Let me guess, the Cullens being back forced you to turn" Mickey said and Amelia replied through her thoughts 'that's part of the reason, the other part being I'm carrying a half vampire inside of me'.

Mickey wasn't shocked that she knew about him seeing as she knew about the Cullens. "How is that going by the way" Mickey asked but he instantly cringed at how it came out and sounded.

Amelia grumbled before she thought 'don't act like you care, you would rather me get rid of the baby so you can be with the Cullen girl'. "No, I wouldn't" Mickey immediately denied not letting that thought set in Amelia's head.

"The reason I came here is because I wanted to tell you that no matter what you decide I want to be involved, whether you decide to keep the kid or not I will still be there by your side" Mickey ranted and Amelia snorted.

'Very moving' Amelia thought and Mickey help but chuckle at the sarcasm. "So, what do you say, will you let me be involved" Mickey asked hoping for a yes and he was greatly pleased when Amelia nodded her head before she ran back off into the woods.

Mickey smiled to himself before he sped off and made his way back to his house. "How did I know you were going to be here" Mickey said as he jumped through his window and saw Alice standing in his bedroom.

"You know me well" Alice's reply was simply which already told Mickey that she knew where the conversation was going to go. "And you know me well enough to know that you have a lot of making up to do before I can forgive you and we can maybe get back together" Mickey said.

Alice nodded her head and stayed silent as Mickey went on, "I'm going to be there for Amelia and our child, you guys can support me or not I don't care but if you really want to make up for the six months of hell without you guys then it starts with you guys supporting my decision of separating myself you guys".

Alice nodded once more and said, "I understand and so does the others". Mickey nodded his head this time and watched Alice sped out of his room before he laid down in bed and closed his eyes thinking about everything that's changed and how it's going to change even more so now.

'How am I going to do this'

And that's it for Twilight: New Moon AKA Act Two. Act three would of course be Twilight: Eclipse. I want to thank all of you for the support and love remember that this book is still up for the Wattys so always vote and comment.

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