Chapter 30 | Pancakes

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Y/n's POV

"AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" I let out a blood curdling scream and just like that, with a final click, everything froze. Silence. I couldn't hear anything, only my heavy breaths, sobs that escape my lips while hot tears slowly roll down my bruised and cut cheeks and the pounding noise of my fast beating heart in my ears. I look around noticing everyone was standing still like they were statues all stuck with the same emotion of worry as they stare at me. My eyes shoot up to the sky seeing birds stop mid flight chasing one another or catching bugs to eat. 'What the heck is happening?' I begin to panic. My heart starts racing once again, my brain bangs roughly against my skull in excruciating pain. My hand swiftly jolts to my head as I pull on my hair and squeeze my eyes shut tight in hopes to relieve the pain.

And as quick as it happened, it was over. The stillness, the silence, it all disappeared and shouts of worry and concern were heard. My eyes open darting around to my fellow classmates who now wore the look of disbelief. "You all saw that right? I'm not the only one who noticed that?" Kaminari points to me as he looks to the others for confirmation.

"S-s-s-see w-what?" I stutter out confused.

"You-you just glitched? Your right arm was by your stomach and now it's on your head? Like it happened in a blink of an eye but without blinking?" Jirou tries to explain.

"So you guys didn't feel or see everything stop for about a minute or so?" I ask. Jirou and Kaminari look to each other then to Aizawa with confusion and concern painting their features. "Come on Hatori, I think you might have a concussion. Your arm is back in place but you need argent medical attention." Aizawa lowers my left arm, and helps me onto my feet. I stumble unable to feel my legs or anything in my body for that matter due to my muscles being exhausted and in agony. Everything begins to slowly spin making me dizzy, I hear the faint sound of sirens, one can assume is the ambulance, in the background that is gradually getting louder the closer it draws but everyone's voices were starting to sound fuzzy and my vision blurs, colours and shapes begun to mould into each other.

I see a pink blur come into my view. *SLAP* "omg y/n I'm so sorry, you looked like you were about to pass out but in case of you having a concussion we need you awake for the ambulance." Mina quickly rambles as I look around seeing a little clearer and feeling a little more alert. The sirens were louder as paramedics run up to me taking me from Aizawa-Sensei and into the back of the ambulance laying me on the medical bed. They check my vitals, placing a mask over my face weary of my broken nose and begin cleaning my wounds and taking care of my minor injuries.

✨Time Skip to the hospital brought to you by me planing to read but ended up writing 5 paragraphs✨

I wake up to the sound of a beeping dialysis. My left arm is in a sling and my right is hooked up to the dialysis. I sluggishly look from the monitor of my heart beat to scan over the rest of the room I was in. My blinking is slow and I feel like I've just been hit by a bike, that was hit by a car, that was hit by a bus, that was hit by truck, that was hit by a plane, that was hit by a bird. Glancing to my left I see a sleeping figure.

"PssSssSSstT. Mr. Aizawa. *tired breathlily giggle* I lived bitch." I smile with my head lazily laying on my shoulder. Aizawa lifts his head up from his arms looking at me as if I shone a bright light into his face.

"You weren't going to die anyway." He states matter of factly with a yawn. "But it's good to see you awake."

"AwwwWWwwWw does Mr. Gwumpy all the time care about meEeEe?" I ask in a baby voice feeling loopy with a cheeky grin on my face.

"No, just can't have you unsupervised."

I giggle before my face turns flat. "Fair point." I agree blankly before giggling again.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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