Chapter 2 | Fighting Todoroki

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Y/n POV 16

I turn over in my uncomfortable itchy bed, raining down hell on my alarm with my fist to turn off the song that haunts me every freaking morning telling me to wake up. I have heard the same line of the song for the past 3 months hoping it would wake me up happier, but alas, I was wrong yet I don't change it. [🤷‍♀️]

I look out my window to see it's still dark and the sun is still yet to rise. Now you might be wondering, y/n, why you up at an unhuman hour? [Y/N WHY YOU BREAKING THE FOUTH WALL??!!!] Well you see, since that horrid day 10 years ago, my mother started home schooling me and would train me from 5 in the morning too 10 at night with hard studying in between. It all did stop at the age 10 but then started to continue again 3 months ago. Why stop then start again 5 and 1/2 years later? Well we won't worry about that... for now...

Any whooo... today was the day I was forced to go to U.A by my mother and believe it or not the now number #1 Pro Hero Endeavour. He got me in through recommendations and some how U.A excepted me half way through the year. I wasn't looking forward to being in a school full of wanna be hero's with sticks up their as-

"BRAT! WE ARE TRAINING BEFORE YOU LEAVE! I WASN'T SATISFIED WITH YESTERDAYS TRAINING! YOU HAVE 5 MINUTES TO GET READY AND GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE!!!" My mother yelled from the top of her lungs through the house reaching up the stairs to where I was in my small, plain, half packed up room. I let out a sigh under my breathe as I sit up and walk from my bed to one of my cardboard boxes with my fitness gear in, I put my small boney hand in the box and did a lucky dip to find some sports clothes to wear.

Once I got a hold on some clothes, I pulled out my hand to find maroon 3/4 leggings, blue sports bra and white cropped sports zip up jacket. I shrugged not really caring that the outfit didn't match since 1. It's dark outside and 2. No one is gonna see me anyway. I hop around the room struggling to get the leggings on while also trying to brush my teeth since I got morning breath. Once that clown show was over I managed to get my h/l h/c hair into a pony tail braid [if you got short hair then pin it back or let it fly]

"3.52 minutes, I'd have to say that's a new record." I whispered to myself with a sad smile and finger guns in my full body length mirror. I walk down the stairs and through to the kitchen to grab a breakfast energy bar and energy drink to scoff down before going into the backyard to train. As I walk outside finishing my "delicious" mix of the bar and drink in my mouth, I spot a tall fire bearded man with his arms crossed giving off his signature scolding attire, glaring right at me. While to his left stood his Canadian flag of a son with a 'I don't want to be here' expression.

"It's about damn time you got your fat lazy ass down here!" Mother complained. I rolled my eyes mentally and apologized to her and Endeavour hanging my head down in a bow. As I straightened back up I walk over to the training ring [boxing ring? Ring ring? Hello who there? Idk what to call it] and waited for Shoto to join me so we could get a start on our combat training.

I took my fighting stance as did Shoto, the both of us waited to hear the ok to start the fight. [I can't write fighting scenes so please bare with me, also if I don't get any of the fighting names right I hope you still understand what I mean.😅] Shoto made the first move, without hesitation he ran towards me and threw a right hook at my ribs to which I back flipped twisted over while my right leg collided with his head and my left leading my body to land safely on the floor on my feet. [NINJA] Shoto hit the ground but then rolled away from me before I could make another move. He got back onto his feet looking into my eyes with a cold glare. [pun intended 😂] He ran back at me faking a right hook but going for the left hook instead which took me by surprise. My eyes widened watching his fist come in contact with my gut as I was forced back by the sudden impact. Holding my stomach stopping myself from vomiting while Shoto runs at me again but this time going for a high kick at my head. Just in time I managed to squat down and kick his one leg holding him up with my left leg. And suddenly he was gravities best friend kissing the ground when he came down. I quickly jump onto his lower back grabbing his arms and holding them behind his mid/upper back in a way that one wrong move his shoulders could pop out of place. [dat sounds nAsty 😬🤕]

I stay waiting for Shoto to either stop struggling or for one of our parents to stop the fight. Shoto finally stops struggling and lays face flat on the ground waiting for me to get off him. I get off of his lower back with my guard still up just in case he try's anything funny but he doesn't, he just walks right out the ring with an angry pout. After watching Shoto storm off I put my hands behind my back with an innocent look on my face and wonder my gaze over to Endeavour and mother. Both still holding their normal scowl but Endeavour showing a slight smirk on his features. 'If they keep glaring like that they gonna get more wrinkles' I amusedly thought to myself with a small smile.


Hiyaaa author-chan here, I hope the fighting scene made little to some sense, later down the track I will go more in depth with how and why y/n is so skilled. If there is any spelling mistakes or mistakes in general please let me know. The whole morning thing took longer then I expected so hopefully in the next chapter y/n gets going into U.A to meet the main person y'all are here for.😏 Now...


Word count just incase y'all care for some reason 1140

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