Chapter 10 | Coffee Date

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Y/n's POV

The bell rings indicating the end of the school day as everyone packs up their things to head back to the dorms. "Hatori your with me." Aizwaw-Sensei lazily clicks his finger and points to the large door as he walks through it. I quickly finish stuffing my books into my bag as I catch up to my teacher walking silently along side him. "Shinso will meet us on the field." He tells me eyes looking straight ahead.

We make it to the change rooms Aizawa pointing at them for me to go change into the P.E uniform as he continues walking out onto the field. I shimmy out of my school uniform and tug on the blue and white sports outfit. I leave my bag and uniform in a locker in the change rooms and proceed out the door to meet my sparing opponent.

"Y/n, this is Shinso." Aizawa steps to the side, hand half pointing to the boy behind him. My eyes slightly widen recognising the purple shaggy hair and the tired looking eyes. He does a light hearted chuckle with a smug grin. "Hey y/n it's nice to see you again." "Uh.. hi Shinso..." I give a small wave slightly embarrassed about flirting with my sparing partner earlier that day. "I see you two have met. Well get stretching and then we can start training." Aizawa turns around to go sit on one of the metal benches.

Shinso and I begin stretching, I start of with basics like my arms, shoulders, back, and hammies, then I continue doing more advanced concentration flexible stretches like splits, scorpion stand, split handstand, elbow stand and so on. After I finished that I look over to a terrified Shinso who is holding his crutch and looks like he is about to barf. "Uhh... you good Shinso?" I ask slightly worried I kicked him without realising. "WHAT THE HECK? ARE YOU A WITCH OR SOMETHING? THAT FELT PAINFUL FOR ME AND I WASN'T EVEN THE ONE DOING THAT!" He screams at me wishing he never had to see that.

"What's going on over here?" Our teacher walks over and glances at a sick looking Shinso. "Y/n did you already start fighting Shinso without permission?" "First of all I'm a little offended you think I would do something like that." Aizawa looks at me with a 'really you would' face. "Whatever. Secondly, no I didn't all I was doing was stretching." I explain. "Yeh like a god damn alien that doesn't belong here." I roll my eyes at his comment. "Well your right about one thing, I don't belong here." "What? So your saying your an alien?" "No I'm saying I don't belong in U.A since it's for hero's in training."

"Ok that's enough chatting, let's get into training." The sleep deprived man interrupts our conversation. Shinso walks to the other side of the field putting on a mask and a scarf like Eraser Heads capture weapon around his neck. I let my hair down from my ponytail waiting for Aizawa's command. "Start."

I run towards Shinso as he runs towards me holding out the scarf ready to throw at me. As he throws it at me I teleport behind him pushing him to the ground using his own weapon against him tightening it around his neck. "Ok y/n that's enough." Aizawa says making me stop choking the purple haired boy. "That went to fas-." Darkness, all I saw was darkness. 'What the heck is happening?' I try to move my body but nothing happens. I feel something wrap around my arms and torso as light engulfs my eyes again. I look around confused that everything was upside down, or more like I was hanging upside down.

I start wiggling looking like a fish out of water. As I wiggle I feel the capture weapon is slightly loose around my legs. I move my legs making the scarf loosen even more and fall off of me but it still held my ankles and hands tight. I start to swing my body back and forth aiming for Shinso who stands in front of me. I swing high enough to head butt shinso in the head causing him to stumble back. 'Hold up... I can teleport.' I mentally face palm myself for forgetting about my own quirk. I teleport out of the bindings landing on Shinso's shoulders, my legs wrap around his head as I use my body weight to lean forward causing him to fall to the ground. I unwrap my legs from his neck and cross his arms behind his back sitting on top of them facing his legs. I grab his legs and pull them towards me.

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