Chapter 6 | Past Part II

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10 Year Old Y/n's POV ⚠️Trigger Warning⚠️

I was sick of it, I was sick of being put down for the last 2 years of my life. I was sick of waiting for a hero to save me from the clutches of my mother. I was sick of being a punching bag for my mother every day and night. I was just sick of it all.

One night after mother was done punching, kicking, slapping and throwing things at me. She went to her room to drink, this became a normal routine for her, since my dad left she became an alcoholic drinking her sorrowed problems away. I decided enough was enough, after cleaning my wounds I climbed through my window onto the roof. [so the roof is in line with the bottom of her window because she is on the top floor. Does that make sense?]

⚠️End of Trigger Warning⚠️

I walked along the roof to the front of the house where there stood a tree, I reached out to a branch and swung down back flipping and landing like Spider-Man on the ground managing not to make a sound. I stalk around the front yard jumping over the gate and running down the side walk. It was midnight so this made it easy for me to escape.

I didn't take anything with me other then the clothes on my back and the shoes on my feet, I didn't even bring my favourite Eraser Head plushy. I had lost so much faith in hero's I even lost faith in him. He was an underground hero not overly well known, but if he was it was because he was known for drug busts and helping those in human trafficking or in abusive households like myself. But why didn't he help me?

Tears clouded my vision as thoughts of not being worth saving flooded my head. I ran down different streets but that ended with me getting lost. I crawl into a dimly light alleyway sitting with my back to the brick wall and my knees to my chest.

✨Time skip to 3 weeks later brought to you by me sitting in front of a fire as I write✨

"HEY KID! GET BACK HERE YOU BRAT!" A teen boy with black hair and burns yelled at me as I ran away with his wallet. I have been living on the streets for 3 weeks and quickly came to learn you have to fend for yourself even if it means stealing people's wallets for their money just to get food. I haven't eaten in 4 days and I was starving so I took the teens wallet and ran.

"KID I TOLD YOU TO GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE!" I ran around a corner to a dead end alleyway, this wasn't the one I wanted it was the next alleyway I was meant to go down. I mentally slap myself for my stupidity as I try to think of a way out of here.

"Haha dead end chicky, now give back my wallet and give me a reason I shouldn't burn you alive right here and now." He states my eyes widen with horror as he steps closer and I step back hitting into a brick wall.

"I-I'm s-sorry, please d-don't hurt me, I-I was just hungry I haven't eaten in 4 days." I stutter in fear as I throw the wallet back at the teen feeling my stomach turn as I think about food. He picks up the wallet looking through it seeing all the money was still in there.

"*sigh* I don't normally do this... come on I'll get you some food." I slowly look up to him in disbelief, he was really offering to buy me food even though I just stole his wallet?

"Are you just going to stare at me or you going to go find somewhere you want to eat?" I slowly walk past him keeping an eye on him to make sure he wasn't going to burn me alive like he previously threatened. He follows me out pointing to different places we could eat at.

"-or what about... soba? It was my little brothers favourite." He looks down sad smile on his face as memories of his little brother eating cold soba for the first time filled his mind.

"You have a sibling?" I speak up catching the teens attention.

"Siblings, plural. 3 younger actually. But we don't talk about it. What about you? Got any siblings?"

"No, just me..."

"So why are you out here all by yourself kid?"

"I ran away from my mother, been out on the streets for 3 weeks. What about you?"

"I ran away from my parents when I was 12. I'm 16 now."

"Wow you have been missing that long?"

"Not missing... "dead"" He makes air quotations.

"You faked your own death?"

"Yep, stops people from looking for me. What did you do to fake your death?"

" I-I didn't think to do that." I say looking down at the ground.

"Well I guess eating indoors isn't an option then, you have been missing for 3 weeks so I'm sure your mother would have put in a missing persons report by now. So what even happened to make you want to run away?"

"...I was sick of my mother using me like a punching bag and training me till I passed out..."

"Mhm... we have a bit more in common then I originally thought we would... Say... what's your views on the hero society? Since, y'know, the hero's didn't come and save you and all?" He asks side glancing at me waiting for my answer.

"Well... I guess hero's don't help everyone in need... cause they never came when I needed them or called for them... they always thought it was just a normal 8 year old throwing a tantrum for not getting their own way-" the boy quickly buts in.

"-Would you say that you hate hero's? That their selfish? That they only care about the fame and money?"

"I-Uhh... I'm sure not all of them are like that-"

"-are you defending hero's that showed no mercy to help you when you needed them?"

"N-no that's not what I'm trying to say, but surely their is at least one out their who care-"

"-They are all corrupt, they don't really care, that's why they didn't send anyone out to make sure it was just an 8 year old tantrum and not a child in danger. They just want the money and fame. The hero society is corrupt and should be brought down. Don't you agree?" The boy leans his head towards me ever so slightly, raising his brow at me.

Everything he was saying made sense to me. The hero's only wanting money and fame. They were all fakes, they didn't care if a child was in danger or not. Thinking about his question I came up with an answer.

"Yeh, your right, it's all for show. I'm sick of waiting around for a hero to save me, heck I have been saving myself for 3 weeks." At this the teen smiled and stopped me from walking.

"My name is Dabi... you should come with me, I have friends who can help you out as well as you could help them, we will become your new beloved family." He reaches his hand out as a gesture that I could have a new happy life and family. I look at his hand for a minute or so thinking on what to do. I then reach my small boney hand out grasping onto his.

"My name is y/n."


Damn... I wonder what's gonna happen next. Thanks for reading, I can't think of anything that needs mentioning other then feel free to comment or if I have any mistakes please let me know that will be greatly appreciated. Now...


Word count just in case y'all actually care... 1341

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