36 3 6

Just an authors note real quick, you don't have to read but it would be very helpful if you did,

1. Do you guys prefer longer or shorter chapters?

2. I encourage for you guys to let me know what you might like in the book.

3. Some of you may be wondering why it seems like I have skipped to the end of the year/ start, well that's bc I don't want to spoil season 5 for anyone and I still haven't finished watching it.

4. sorry for not updating in a while 😅

5. And 819 reads on ignited? You guys are awesome 😎

I think that pretty much covers it, if you feel like you can vote on the chapters up to you. Thank you darlings ☺️

How ever you wanna read the date, I'm Australian so I read it the first way.
Edited 27/04/2024

Ignited Bakugo x Reader (on hold/editing)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora