Chapter 23 | Friends?

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It's been an awkward couple of days in class and around the dorms since Bakugo told the class about my true identity. Even Aizawa could pick up on the tension, but didn't know who or how to ask about the cause of what the thick air was. I socially kept my distance from the class knowing no one would want to be around Stains successor. Until isolating myself from the future heroes, I never realised how much I had grown to... tolerate, no... befriend... them... yet of course, it's all about social standing or popularity, to which I have none. But as if I couldn't imagine my week getting worse...

"THERE SHE IS!!" People yelled pointing at you from outside the gates, cameras were flashing as soon as you stepped out from the dormitory.

"THE HEROES FOUND HER!!" A reporter screamed. You had a look of confusion and shock written on your face 'found me? I have been "found" for 4 months now...' [I think that's the correct time line? It's 4 or 5 months]

"Y/N HATORI HOW DOES IT FEEL TO BE BACK HOME REUNITED WITH YOUR MOTHER?" A lady asked with her mic stretched through the gate.

"IS IT TRUE THE LEAGUE OF VILLAINS KIDNAPPED YOU FOR 8 YEARS? IF SO HOW DID YOU ESCAPE?" A man questioned looking at you and to the cameraman telling him to get a closer shot of me. Suddenly Mr. Aizawa, Present Mic, and Miss Midnight come rushing out, Aizawa's greasy black hair stood nearly as tall as the blondes, Mic used his quirk to tell the media to buzz off and Midnight gently held my left arm to hurry me to the school and using her body to block the cameras views of me.

"Don't worry darling, we have the media under control, no need to panic." The X rated Hero reassures me. "They said about me being "found", but I have been "reunited" with my mother for several months now. What's suddenly got their interest?" I ask the large breasted female with confusion painted over my face as we make it into the school building. [Don't ask me bc I don't even know...]

"That's what we will try to find out, don't worry that pretty little brain of yours." She pokes the side of my forehead and does a closed eye smile. "Yehhh, I wasn't really worried, probably more confused then anything." I roll my eyes and try to walk away. "You being so unbothered about this situation... really turns me on." Midnight hugs herself cheerfully. [💀] I look at her with disgust and walk away while I got the chance to classroom 1-A.

As soon as I rush through the classroom door, I take a deep breath and notice 20 pairs of eyes watching me. 'What is this? The first day of school again?' "What's with the reporters wanting to talk to you Y/n-San?" Uraraka asks with concern. "I'm not quite sure myself." I reply blandly.

"I think I know." Bakugo calls out.

"What is this? Call out Y/n week? Bakugo even if you did somehow figure out what this is about, don't you think you have done enough damage? Everyone already hates me, what more do you want?" I raise my voice already sick of his ball crap.

"For you to leave." I scoff at his comment and roll my eyes.

"Says the one who told me to stay a couple of weeks ago." I cross my arms over my chest.

"Tch, I didn't want you to stay, I told you to for Eri." He copies me and crosses his arms over his chest.

"Well either way, I'm staying for her like you told me too. And this situation isn't your truth to tell, it's mine, BUT YOU PUT ALL MY FRIENDS AGAINST ME BY TELLING THEM ABOUT BUSINESS THATS NOT EVEN YOURS!!" I yell, hands in fists and stomping my right foot like a 3 year old throwing a tantrum.

"W-we were your friends?" Mina and Uraraka ask. My whole demeanour changes, I shyly look to the floor and fiddle with my fingers. "I-I didn't, even realise that you all were my, Uh... friends, until everyone stopped talking and trying to make friends with me. Yeh it was a bitch move to push you all away in the first place, but I had grown to, enjoy everyone's company." I paused a couple of times in my "speech"

"I think this is the most emotion I have seen on Hatori." Sero points out as others nod along to his statement.

"I don't blame you guys to be scared of me, look I get that, Stains successor, living amongst you, I'd be scared too. And all I know is to be a villain, well up until about 2 months ago when I joined U.A, I don't know if I could ever become a hero and wether I would ever want to be. My views from being a villain are still strong and will take a while to change but that's what all of you guys are about, becoming new and better heroes and changing the minds of those like me who don't really know where they stand anymore. I'm here for my reasons and you are here for yours, the only difference is the teachers are trying to change my reasoning on being here... and... I can't believe I'm going to say this but *sigh* you guys need to go plus ultra or what ever." I unenthusiastically say the last bit just wanting to end this speech.

"That was so manly" Kirishima wipes away a couple of manly tears.

"Good speech kid" Aizawa-Sensei says from behind me with his hand placed on my shoulder.

"I feel like I'm gonna barf, *gag noice* don't expect me to go all heartfelt again." I stick a finger in my mouth with my tongue sticking out and brows knit together. In response the male chuckles and pats my shoulder. Bakugo sits back in his seat with an angry pout.

"Ok class take your seats to start the lesson."

✨Time Skip to last class brought to you by my animal crossing debt✨

"ALRIGHT CLASS 1-A!" Almight shouts. "TODAY WE WILL BE DOING SEARCH AND RESCUE TRAINING." Everyone got excited but I knew more was to come. "Unfortunately Hatori, Bakugo and Todoroki won't be able to join due to not having their hero licenses yet." Almight becomes deflated. Todoroki and I just stand there as Bakugo shakes like a leaf on a windy day out of anger.

"You 3 will be training with us today." Midnight speaks up with Aizawa sluggishly standing next to her. The 3 of us follow the two teachers out of the classroom after everyone changes into their hero suits and I change into my P.E uniform.

"Ok you two boys are training with me, you will be doing one on one combat battle." Eraser Head click points to the field as he walks towards it, the boys follow suit. "Hey what about me?" I call out to the male teacher.

"You're working with me." Midnight sings.

"And what exactly will we be doing?"

"We will be working out your hero costume and hero name." She claps excitedly. I watch the boys fighting on the field in the background and chime in with a yes or no every so often to different names and designs. Suddenly and idea pops up in my head as I steal the pencil and pad out of Midnights hands and start drawing.

"There. I like this, it's me but looks friendly enough for a hero even though I am not a hero." I look over the rough design.

"I like how it looks so far, feel free to finish it off after school. That can be your homework, add colour and any special items you might need." I nod to Midnight as we get up from sitting on the grass and the boys make their way back over to us.

"Is that your hero costume?" Todoroki questions.

"HA SHE NEEDS TO BE A HERO FOR A HERO COSTUME." Bakugo obnoxiously laughs.

"Well I'm just calling it a costume because I still don't want to be a hero. Wanna see it?"

"Tch, whatever." Bakugo rolls his eyes as I hold up the note pad.



Hey darlings, sorry cliff hanger but hopefully it will get me to write the next chapter quickly. Sorry I haven't been completely active with updating, I have come up with other ideas but just getting to them is hard. Also sorry with y/n and Bakugo taking so long to get close, I didn't want to get them together too soon plus I'm thinking about maybe y/n being in an other relationship with someone before Bakugo 👀 just an idea. Plus the chase is always fun and is a lot more enjoyable for when they finally get together. Let me know what other mha characters you would like to see a fanfic on. I think that's all.

Oh one more thing, if any of you are small time writers and would like more reads, feel free to say in the comments, I'd be more then happy to read them and promote them here in the book. Now...


Word count just in case y'all actually care 1569

Ignited Bakugo x Reader (on hold/editing)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon