Chapter 29 | Class 1A VS Class 1B Part II

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"AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" I let out a blood curdling scream and just like that, with a final click, everything froze...

Y/n's POV ✨Back To Round 1✨

"So, what's your quirk?" Tsuburaba asks me as we walk around metal pipes.

"If you must know, it's teleportation." I say bluntly as I map out the area in my head trying to remember all the different routes looking all around knowing Shinso would come for me first. The siren buzzes indicating the start of the fight.

"Sooo... Monama huh?"

"The siren has gone, we do not want to give away our location. I will not be speaking of the matter or speaking anymore." I sternly say looking into the shadows seeing movement. 'Dang it, it's to late.'

I heard movement along the metal pipes, while Tsuburaba and the others weren't looking I ran into the dark and teleport to different pipes scouting for Shinso. I heard something from behind me and teleported a pipe away noticing a grey scarf wrapped around the upright pipe that was in front of me. "Good try mate, better luck next time." I teleport above Shinso landing on his shoulders wrapping my legs around his head making himself stumble back and falling off the pipe. We are caught mid air due to his scarf still being attached around the metal pipe and his left hand while his right hand pulled at my thighs to loosen the death grip I had on him.

Shinso manages to tug and wave his scarf untying the capture weapon from its place and we continue falling. We land on the ground with a thud, the wind is knocked out of my lungs loosening my grip on the boy allowing him to escape. "Do you give in?" He asked to which I shake my head no. I shakily yet swiftly get back onto my feet running at him with my right fist in the air, he throws his scarf at me and I teleport behind him still running and punch his side sending him flying into a metal pipe.

The indigo haired teen slumps to the ground. "Ha, thought you could get me? Well you though wrong." I teased still catching my breath. "Hatori! That's enough!" I heard Aizawa shout. 'Oh no, did I go over board?' I look around frantically, "I apologise Aizawa." "Y/N! WATCH OUT!" I heard Tsuburaba warn. I went to speak but was cut off by a strong punch to my back forcing me towards Shinso who rolled out the way just in time. "Ah. Sorry about dude, didn't realise you were there, how unmanly of me." Kirishima rubbed the back of his neck apologising to Shinso who got up and quickly wrapped his capture weapon around me. "I-I'm not *puff* done yet." I breathe out trying to catch my breath again. "Time to sleep y/n." Shinso whispered with Aizawa's voice as he karate chops my neck knocking me out right away.

A loud siren rings waking me up in a cage with all my other team mates. "Class A Wins." I hear over the speaker. I groggily get up out of the cage stretching my now sore back heading towards the exit. "Hey Hatori, sorry about your back, wasn't very manly of me to hit a girl that hard." Kiri whimpered with a pout. "It's alright Kiri, you did what you had to do for your team, and that's manly." I reply as I rub my back.

"Here did you want me to rub your back since it was my fault?"

"I'll take you up on that offer in a second, I just want to quickly catch up with Shinso." Kirishima nods and heads over to his team.

"Ha, you did good Shinso, using Aizawa's voice to make me think I went over board. Well played my friend." I compliment the boy despite being bummed that I lost, I was proud of Shinso for actually managing to capture and knock me out.

"Yeh I knew you would fall for that since he would be watching you even closer then me to make sure you don't step outta line." Aizawa 2.O explains while scratching his cheek.

"Pfffft. Me? Step out of line? NEvEeeEeeEEeEeerRr." I wave my hand about sarcastically. He chuckles a little as we sit down with the others anxious to watch the next match. I wave Kirishima over for him to rub my back as we watch the next match.


✨Round 5✨

"Omg, what's gotten into Midoriya?" Mina asks.

"I'm not sure but this can't be good." We all watch as Deku floats high in the air with black things whipping around everywhere. Uraraka lunges out from our hiding spot and jumps up to the greenette. "OCHACO!" Mina and I shout out for her hoping she would stop. "Mina, Mineta, you two go after the others, I'll try get Uraraka and Deku back." I make a plan. They both nod and run off while I run towards the big mess.


I keep running about to teleport up but one of the black things gets a hold on my torso and thrash's me around. [Picture it like the hulk and Loki] It drops me mid air but catches me by my feet and continues to hurl me against the ground and metal pipes. I was close to passing out from the pain and most likely a concussion too, when suddenly they all disappeared back into Deku and I plummet towards the ground. Right before hitting the ground, Ochaco managed to touch me just in time causing me to float.

She releases her quirk and I land on my feet. I struggle to stay on my feet but I'm determined to win this round. I run away from Uraraka despite her calls telling me to stop, I teleport up to where Monama, Shinso and Midoryia were just in time to see Monama touch Deku. "Dang, your quirk is a dud." Monama whines. Shinso and I lock eyes and he doesn't hesitate to throw his capture weapon at me I dodge by teleporting away but accidentally in the cross fire of Deku using the black stuff to capture Shinso. Deku throws me away not realising quickly enough that he in fact captured me not Shinso. I roll along the ground close to the edge of the building. My eyes bearly open, nose probably broken and every muscle in my body screaming for me to stop moving.

I hear footsteps and glance up to see a sinister smiling Monama looking down on me. "Well, well, I see you really did fall for me hahahahahaha." I groan as he grabs my bicep to lift me up to my feet. I grab the hand that was holding my arm as I look into his eyes intensely trying to concentrate. His face turns into one of confusion as I do the impossible and teleport him into the cage, me along with him. He looks around amazed at my trick and gives a smirk. "Well played Hatori." I give a nod letting go of him and stumbling out of the cage.

I walk towards the exit knowing time will be up soon and I wasn't in the best of shape. As predicted the siren rang and I was the first out of the exit holding my left arm that had suddenly started throbbing like the rest of my body and I was starting to disassociate now that the adrenaline was gone.

"Y/n! Are you alright?!" Jirou and Denki run up to me as I limp out of the match holding my arm, cuts and bruising all over my face, blood gushing out of my nose and swollen lip. I collapse onto my knees hugging my left arm in towards my stomach as I use my right hand to click my fingers in front of my face. "I-I'm fine just a little b-batted and bruised is all." My clicking is irregular as I try to concentrate on the movement and sound of my snapping fingers keeping me awake and my mind occupied from the pain.

"Oh my god! Your shoulder is dislocated! Aizawa Sensei! Y/n needs medical attention!" Momo points out as she calls the teacher over. "Reh-Really I'm fine." I say almost out of breath.

"Sorry kid but this is going to hurt." Aizawa swiftly pulls my left arm out and holds onto my shoulder pushing it back into place.

"AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" I let out a blood curdling scream and just like that, with a final click, everything froze...


Sorry guys, I guess it will be over two chapters but at leases I got both of the class battles into one chapter with the same cliff hanger. Now...


Word count just in case y'all actually care 1479

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