"So.." I rubbed my palms devilishly. "Girls night out?"

"Yes!" Alli and Xenia pumped their fist in the air.

"Ugh! Keep the noise low. I'm tired." Camila twisted her face, having a problem with it like she does with pretty much everything.

Xenia discreetly rolled her eyes at her. She didn't like her either. What kind of a sane person would ever like a vicious snake like her. And with Xenia, it just got personal.

The rude flatworm kept staring at her Masey and hell, she did not like that.

"Can I join too?" Liam pouted and batted his eyelashes and did all those stuff.

"If you wear a dress, why not." Xenia laughed.

"I would do that for you."

"Stop flirting with my girlfriend." Mason smacked his head and poor Liam stepped back in a feigned sorrow.

Just when we three girls began heading to my room with so much exhilaration, we got held back by grandpa who gave us strict orders to sleep within an hour, having us cut down our party time. But that was necessary because Xenia had her routine checkup tomorrow. Staying up late wouldn't be advisable.

Once we were in the safety of my room and away from boring people like Oliver, Rafael and Mase, we exchanged evil glances, ready for our mini party.

"Let the fun begin!" I turned up the volume and our one hour restricted girls night out started.


"Hehe muffin." Xenia giggled, pointing her tiny finger on my photograph. "It's the same one on that wall, no?"

"Mhm, it is."

Now we were alone on my bed, laid on our stomach with our legs kicking in the air. She wanted to see her boyfriend's photographs when he was young so here we were, going through the photo albums.



"Why is Camila the way she is?" She crinkled her nose at her mention.

"I don't know and don't even want to know."

"You are so much better than her."

"Hmm.. Why don't you say that to your Falafel?" I rolled my eyes.

"Why? You don't have the guts to say it yourself?"

"Hold on. What happened to your voice, Nia? Why does it sound like Falafel?"

"Because it's Falafel." A light spank landed on my butt making me roll on my back instantly, my eyes wide and an embarrassing screech leaving my lips.

Why did he even enter my room?

The infamous Rafael smirk remained etched to his face as he raked his eyes over my bare legs. Dark grey eyes rolled up my waist, then to my neck, all the way up to meet my eyes.


Xenia's fruity giggle broke the spell holding our gazes. I turned my red turned face away, hoping she didn't see what just happened.

"Why are you two girls still up? It's twelve." He pointed at the wall clock, settling down on my bed with Xenia between us.

"I'm not sleepy, Mr Boss."

"Is that why you're yawning, Miss Cupcake?" He said sternly but playfully and pulled a blanket over her.

"No, I don't wanna sleep." She dragged out.

"But if you don't.." He mustered a terrified look, glancing at the mirror. "Ghosts will come from there and take us all away into a scary place even below Hogwarts which we visited a few hours ago."

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