She'd never been so overworked in her life. School had felt like a fulltime job. She was destined on getting into the most prestigious schools in the country and she knew that she have to work extra hard to do so. She never came in second. She was a shark.

"Honey, it's eleven. Aren't you heading to bed soon?" Meredith stopped by her daughter's room before heading to her own bed.

"Yeah, just a sec. Goodnight, love you!" She smiled

"Love you too, munchkin. Don't stay up too late." Meredith said

" Meredith said

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The Next Day

She was sitting with her best friend, Maddie at lunch and they were talking casually.

"Ugh, I can't wait to be done with these exams, and then we'll have the best summer ever! Don't you think?" Madison raised a question.

"Mia? Mia! Dude!" She tapped her friend repeatedly until she jolted up out of her gaze.

"Hmm? Sorry." Mia uttered

"You look exhausted, girl. What time did you go to sleep?" She asked

"Who says I got any?" Mia groaned

"Promise me that you'll get loads of rest tonight? It's not healthy for you, you need your sleep. When you get home, just relax tonight, okay?" Madison begged

"I'll try my best. I just can't fail these exams. If I fail, I have no future, Maddie! Nothing at all."

"Stop doubting yourself, Mia. You're amazing and these exams will be a breeze. I promise you that you'll feel better after you get some rest." Madison insisted.

"Fine. Adderall helps people focus, right? It's a stimulant, like caffeine, except stronger?" She questioned

"And you are asking me about drugs because?" Maddie was concerned with her best friend.

"Just a thought. If I took some Addy, it would help me focus and not be stressed out this week. Don't you agree?" She consulted Maddie.

"You should probably ask your parents first, they're doctors and there's always a bunch of side effects with drugs." She suggested

"Yeah, you're right." Mia nodded in agreement.

"You're not thinking about taking them, are you? That's almost like high school athletes taking steroids." She worries

"I'm not, Maddie. Don't worry, it was just a thought. I'm gonna head to my locker." Mia leaves the cafeteria.

Today was Tuesday, so she was instructed to go to the hospital after school and wait for her parents to be done work, so they could all go home together. They had a little break in between surgeries to get the kids from preschool and elementary and they dropped them off in daycare.

The Life of Mia Grey-ShepherdWhere stories live. Discover now