574. Cat: Taken Away

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Translator: Guy Gone Bad

Finally, Zhuang Siyu took a deep breath, this was the only chance, as long as Su Bei was sent away, Shen Jiu is hers.

Thinking so, Zhuang Silyu was going to knock on the door, but found that the door was not closed.

She hesitated a bit, pushed the door open, and then froze where she was.

Even if Zhuang Siyu had never done that thing before, from the smell in the air and Su Bei’s arm on the thin quilt, she could tell what had happened just now.

Su Bei heard someone come in, but he had no strength, so he just ignored it.

Zhuang Siyu looked at Su Bei’s eyes, which were like daggers trying to pierce through Su Bei’s body.

Su Cheng! You should see how disgusting your precious was like!

Thinking so, Zhuang Siyu threw the doll in her hand on the ground.

The porcelain doll fell apart, and Su Bei instantly felt something wrong. Just as he was about to open his eyes, he heard Su Cheng’s creepy voice, “Su Bei, I’m here to take you away.”

Su Bei opened his eyes and looked into Su Cheng’s kind of crazy eyes, he wanted to withdraw, but it was too late.

Su Cheng gently wrapped Su Bei in the quilt, but gave one the feeling that he’d rather kill Su Bei.

Then Su Cheng picked up Su Bei and said in a gentle voice, “I will punish you for your misbehaving.”

Su Bei was so angry that he shouted, “Shen Jiu, you bastard! Come help me!”

Face sunk, with a turn, he disappeared where he was standing.

Zhuang Siyu immediately took away the broken pieces of the porcelain doll, and threw a slap in her own face.

As soon as she finished, Shen Jiu stormed in, yelling at Zhuang Siyu who was playing innocent, “Where’s Su Bei?”

Zhuang Siyu cried heartbrokenly, “He…was taken by Su Cheng, I tried to stop him but failed, because Su Bei agreed.”

Shen Jiu drew close to her step by step, like every step was stepping on her heart, making her having the impulse of running away.

He stopped in front of Zhuang Siyu and dropped a bead from the alarm clock on the ground. “Do you want to say it yourself, or you want me to make you say it?”

Image from the bead projected out, and Zhuang Siyu felt like falling in an ice cave, she did not expect that Shen Jiu would put this thing in Su Bei’s room.

Shen Jiu impatiently repeated, “Will you say it or not?”

Knowing that she was doomed to death, Zhuang Siyu smiled and looked at Shen Jiu provocatively. “At most, I only set the wolf to keep the sheep. It was not I who took him away. How would I ever know?”

“I saw that Su Cheng looked terrible. Maybe when you find Su Bei, he is enjoying it under Su Cheng’s body.”

Shen Jiu’s eyes looked like a sword and he grabbed Zhuang Siyu by the neck. “If anything happens to Su Bei, you’d be so dead!”

Speaking of which, he directly threw a palm in her dantian and damaged her cultivation, and then dropped her like dropping a piece of junk.

When Shen Jiu was about to leave to find Su Bei, a cat’s meow came from far to near.

It was those nine-life cats who lost their internal elixirs and turned into their original shape.

Even if they can’t speak human language, Shen Jiu can understand their cat language.

They were questioning Shen Jiu if he wanted to be a traitor of their race.

Su Bei had mutilated so many nine-life cat compatriots for himself, if Shen Jiu still wanted to save Su Bei, unless he stepped over their dead bodies.

Shen Jiu’s expression did not change, and directly disappeared where he was.

The room, once filled with meowing, went deathly silent.

Blood gushed out of the corner of Zhuang Siyu’s mouth, she thought sarcastically, yes, how can the cats stop the demon?

Threatening with their own lives, those cats really thought highly of themselves.

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