489. Schizophrenia: The Piano Is Broken

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Translator: Guy Gone Bad

In a daze, Su Bei heard the piano.

It was a bit familiar. What was it called?

Su Bei suddenly opened his eyes, the requiem!

Which as*hole was that? Wouldn’t even let him take a nap!

When Su Bei got up, he found Zong Chen was not in.

He raised his eyebrows. Could he have been attracted over by the piano?

Su Bei put down the cat and walked to the direction where the music came from.

As he passed the kitchen, he paused to get something.

And then realized he couldn’t get it.

Tut! Could it be that Zong Chen was too far away to take the blame for him?

Forget it!

It was in an empty room, Zong Chen was there too.

But apparently, distracted.

Tang Xinyue played the piano while saying softly, “Zong Chen, do you see your mother?”

Zong Chen responded, a total hypnotized appearance.

Su Bei looked around. Zong Chen’s mother? Where?

That meaned Zong Chen was lying.

So he leaned against the door, ready to watch the show.

Tang Xinyue said again, “Your mother is very, very ill. She needs an operation. Only after the operation can she get better.”

‘You also don’t wish you will no longer see your mother, do you?”

Zong Chen responded again.

Tang Xinyue’s voice was more gentle, like with some kind of magic, “but I need you to sign an agreement, they will do the surgery.”

Someone took out a document and put it in front of Zong Chen.

In a flash, the surroundings changed into a ward.

A doctor held a document for Zong Chen to sign.

Tang xinyue’s voice didn’t stop. “Your mother is in huge pains, but she doesn’t want to leave you. She still wants to take care of you.”

The beautiful woman on the sickbed performed quite painful along with the voice of Tang Xinyue.

A certain nerve of Su Bei broke.

He took a chair and crashed it into the sickbed, then the harsh sound of the piano shattered all the images.

The sickbed changed back to a piano.

Su Bei took the chair and hit the piano again and again.

The keys flew out, brushing over Tang Xinyue’s cheek, leaving a bloody mark.

In her eyes, it wa Zong Chen who had been supposed to be hypnotized.

Such a Zong Chen let her feel scared, but not knowing if she was too scared or what, she saw someone else’s shadow on him.

The piano was smashed into pieces, then Su Bei threw the chair and laughed, “88, it feels dope when destroying things, I finally know why many people like smashing things when they are angry.”

“It feels even better if it’s something valuable.”

748 did not speak, it silently sent out a message.

Zong Chen who got sobered looked at Su Bei, “I saw my mother.”

Su Bei, “It’s false.”

Zong Chen continued as if he couldn’t hear him, “I saw her in so much pain. She is suffering every day.”

Su Bei said nothing.

Zong Chen turned his head and looked at Su Bei, “It doesn’t matter, she is not in pain anymore now.”

Not knowing why, his eyes let Su Bei feel cold in the back.

Zong Chen then fixed his eyes on the piano, “It’s broken.”

Just then Su Bei felt not that scared, “Yeah, it’s OK.” Anyway, Zong family was rich.

By the way, when could he live like a spendthrift?

748, “Isn’t the host a spendthrift in every world?”

Su Bei instantly denied, “No.”

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