523. Soul: Assassinate

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Translator: Guy Gone Bad

Su Bei looked up at the endless ladder, “Can I say no?”

Su Jin just smiled at him, full of menace, probably already forgetting that she was playing the empress now.

Fine, since it was a request from his captivating object, he’d do it!

Su Bei accompanied Su Jin to climb the high ladder, the higher the colder!

He even dare not look down. Too scary!

And only a few steps, his feet were sore.

Really wanted to slump onto the ground and give up!

Compared with the panting Su Bei, Su Jin didn’t feel tired or what at all, like…he couldn’t feel what tiredness was.

In the end, Su Bei was climbing the ladder using his willpower, even when he stood at the top, he still couldn’t react.

Su Jin found it funny, “Finally!”

Only by then did Su Bei sat down, only wishing he didn’t need to stand up ever again, “Don’t tell me we still have to climb down!”

As Su Jin lit the incense and offered sacrifices, he said, “You can choose to jump down.”

Su Bei stretched his head and looked down. Those officials down there were as small as ants. At such a height, he was afraid that he would die if he jumped from here.

Su Jin then said, “Royal Highness An, this is blasphemy.”

Su Bei did not mean to get up at all, “Oh.”

Su Jin inserted the incense into the altar, looked into the distance and asked, “How do you feel?”

Su Bei asked with doubts, “What?”

Su Jin, “The feeling of standing high.”

Su Bei made a sigh, “It’s too sad! After climbing up, I still have to climb down. Who invented such a crazy thing?”

Su Jin said nothing.

Su Bei then continued, “Was there a single time that worked after offering sacrifice to heaven?”

Su Jin opened his mouth, “no.”

Su Bei said with disdain, “Since so, why keep doing it every year? For fun?”

Su Jin replied lightly, “It’d be enough as long as the civilians feel it useful.”

He could not see any desire in Su Bei’s eyes, even no desire for the throne.

748, “Captivating bar increased by 5%, current progress 45%.”

Su Jin turned his head, “We should go down.”

Su Bei could only get up, “Fine.”

They began to walk down step by step, neither of them said a word.

Su Jin thought he had never felt so quiet.

Every time he offered sacrifice to heaven, it was the most quiet time.

Because only at such a time, no one would think about how to plot against him.

And this time, he got Su Bei around. Though still quiet, there seemed to be something different.

As they went to the last layer and thought they could finally take some rest.

A lot of people in black came from all directions, their target was Su Bei.

Su Bei reflexively looked over that old fox Official Sun, who still hadn’t had time to conceal his cocky smile.

Obviously, he was responsible for those assassins.

Su Bei already had no strength, so he directly threw himself onto the steps, whatever!

Soon, the assassins broke through the guards and directly hit at Su Bei.

As the sharp tip of the swords was arriving, they got kicked in the air by Su Jin.

He pulled Su Bei up, complaining in the heart, those clothes are so heavy, then kept retreating while fighting those assassins.

But this body limited his martial arts, plus he still had to cover Su Bei, there were a few times they nearly lose their lives.

Finally having no way, Su Jin felt out a small whistle and blew it.

Villain, Please Go Easy On Me (English Translation Pt.3)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt