553. Cat: Crazy Su Cheng

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Translator: Guy Gone Bad

Speaking of which, he turned around and left carrying Su Bei, leaving only them there looking at each other.

But as the lord had already given the order, what could they do except following it?

Some of the powerful monsters were asleep, but the noise was so loud that many got woken up.

The whole forbidden area was a river of blood, dead bodies everywhere, which belonged to both human and demons.

But Su Cheng didn’t care, he only wanted their internal elixirs.

When Su Bei woke up, he felt awful all over.

As Su Cheng had been guarding aside, so he instantly as soon as he saw that, “Anywhere feeling uncomfortable?”

Su Bei shook his head and asked him, “Have you seen a black cat?”

Su Cheng drooped his eyebrows, trying to hide the hatred in his eyes, saying with a bland tone, “No.”

Su Bei thought for a while, as he hadn’t left this world, the male lead should be safe.

After making sure Su Bei was really okay, Su Cheng left as he got things to see to.

Su Bei stretched out his hand and dragged Qiqi out from under the bed, “You asked help from Su Cheng?”

Qiqi meowed and did not speak.

Su Bei picked his eyebrows, “Come on! Speak human language!”

Qiqi pitifully looked at Su Bei, and made another few meows.

Su Bei guessed it was trying to say it couldn’t speak now.

He asked again, “Even no after you shapeshift?”

Qiqi meowed to confirm it.

Su Bei said, “It seems that your cultivation is not solid at all. How long has it been? And you are already like a normal cat now.”

Qiqi meowed several times, as if trying to explain something.

Su Bei stuffed it back under the bed again, “All right. You are trash, and don’t try to deny it.”

Su Cheng then stepped in, his face clouded, “Still no clue of the cat?”

The man behind said timidly, “No, it’s too fast.”

Su Cheng grabbed him by the neck. “Can’t even find a badly injured cat, you punk!”

And with a hard wring of his neck, the man stopped breathing.

But it aroused no mood swing in Su Cheng’s heart at all.

One man died, another followed, and Su Cheng continued the same order, “Go collect the internal elixirs.”

That man was about to say something, but at the thought of that guy’s tragedy a moment ago, he could only keep his mouth shut.

Zhuang Siyu who failed to find Shen Jiu could only go back first, but always felt so worried.

She did not know why she so cared about a cat.

Thinking back and forth, she still decided to look for it around Su family, but as a result, she happened to see a cat running out of Su family covered in blood.

Zhuang Siyu reflexively took the cat away, and people of Su family chased out.

If it hadn’t been for her cunning concealment, she might have been found already.

They were apparently chasing the cat in their arms.

So why, exactly, would the Su family go after a cat?

With this question, Zhuang Siyu brought Shen Jiu back home.

And on the side of the Su family, at the price of heavy casualties, of course they brought back a lot of demons’ internal elixirs.

Which directly alerted those elders, and they came to question Su Cheng that very night.

As a result, Su Cheng killed them all.

No one who opposed Sioux City lived to see the sun the next day.

Su Cheng’s behavior undoubtedly caused the dissatisfaction of most people of Su family, but no one dare to say anything, after all, even those elders died under Su Cheng’s hands.

So, someone targeted at Su Bei. In their eyes, Su Bei was the source of the disasters. For since he woke up, Su Cheng had become like this!

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