471. Dancing Girl: Why Lied To Me?

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Translator: Guy Gone Bad

The fire gradually grew big. Mrs. Chi asked Chi Suqing nervously, “Are you sure Bubai won’t come back?”

Chi Suqing pacified her, “He loves his piano so much. He wouldn’t come back.”

How could not let him come back? He’d try all means to get him back!

Given that insane guy’s degree of persistence, if he saw that Su Su was in fire, he would be desperate to rush in to save her.

Better burn both of them to death! Then the whole family would fall into his hands.

After a while, Chi Subai hurried back as expected.

Mrs. Chi was taken aback and said in a high voice, “Didn’t you say he wouldn’t come back?”

Chi Suqing pretended to panic, “I don’t know! After all, Su Bai loves playing the piano so much!”

Mrs. Chi said hysterically, “Stop him! Stop him!”

Chi Suqing also put on a show, “Right! Stop Subai quickly! What are you waiting for?”

His people also pretended trying to stop Chi Subai, but in fact they were only trying to stop Mrs. Chi.

So it was very easy for Chi Subai to break free from Mrs. Chi and stand the nearest position to the fire.

The bright firelight was dancing, and the burning hot air wave blew in Chi Subai’s face.

Su Su? Fake! It’s all fake!

He lied to him!

Seeing that Chi Subai did not rush in, Mrs. Chi was relieved and quickly opened her mouth and said, “Subai, don’t you go in, ok? I’m begging you.”

Chi Suqing couldn’t wait, for he only wanted Chi Subai to rush in!

As a result, he didn’t!

He pretended to look worried, “Rght, Subai, don’t go in. Mom is so worried. Will you really give up on her for a dancer?”

“Such big fire. You will die if you go in, and even if you go in, you still can’t save her.”

Those words stimulated Chi Subai’s nerve. And the thought that Su Bei might die just popped out, which was something he couldn’t take.

He would not allow that person to die! He lied to him and just died like that? No way!

Then he directly rushed in, while Chi Suqing gave a sigh of relief.

Mrs. Chi, however, collapsed on the ground directly, “Put out the fire! Put out the fire! If you can’t save Su Bai, you’ll all die!”

The fire was already closing in on the cage, and Su Bei coughed violently and nearly got choked by the smoke.

He wetted his blanket, covered his nose and mouth, and tried to last as long as he could.

But after a short while, the skin of Su Bei had turned red.

He watched the flames climbing up the piano and devouring it bit by bit.

Suddenly, the door was kicked open and a figure appeared.

Su Bei looked up, but because of smoke inhalation, he kept coughing.

Tears blurred his eyes, he faintly saw Chi Subai’s face.

Su Bei wiped his tears, “are you insane?”

His voice was quite hoarse, already having no intention to hide his male voice.

Chi Subai stood in front of him, letting the fire climb up his sleeves, “You lied to me.”

Su Bei stretched out his hand to grab him, while he took a step back, “You lied to me.”

This made Su Bei’s heart ache, “Yes, you are right, I lied to you. I’m a man, not a woman.”

Then while Chi Subai was dumbfounded there, he pulled him into the bathroom and put out the fire for him.

Chi Subai tightly gripped his wrist, “Why?”

Su Bei made a few coughs, “Because you hate men!” If it wasn’t for that, would he need to do that?

Chi Subai’s eyes turned red because of the heavy smoke, “Why lied to me?”

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